Friday 3 December 2021

See you when

 Now NOT coming to an online store near you!!

As I have made clear before if I sell any books to the United States they make me no money. U.S. taxes plus the exchange rates (the print on demand company only pays out when the exchange rate is good for them) means 99.9% of U.S. sales make me nothing.

I have been arguing with thje POD company but it seems that "the world of publishing choice" means that I have no say in where my books are sold so I either push the prices higher or face the fact that...I do all the work but get no money.


Also, the POD appears to have updated its system again so that it is refusing to accept standard pdf files being uploaded. After 2018-2020 and the way they screwed things up so that the average book took a week to be altered, rejected then accepted I just do not have the energy any more.

The other big problem is that they have also altered their cover design program (AGAIN) and so after 6 attempts I gave up.

The added problem is that no sales coming in (well there is 98p but that's a U.S. Sale so...) I cannot renew the necessary PDF maker/editor and whether updated programs would work on my 2009 PC that I constantly have to idea.

There appears to be no updates or increases in book costs by the POD company so my assumption (assumptions are not good) is that this money making scheme of theirs was dropped? Prices are the same and not that it makles the slightesyt difference but I intend to leave the books at their current low prices until after Christmas.

I'm overloaded with the fox work and post mortems as well as a number of other things that are not making things good for me. 

Well, there are 179 books and comics, graphic novels and comic albums on the store so that will have to do and am I glad I do not have hard copies that I need to store!!!

See you when.

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