Monday 7 November 2022

Kevin O'Neill 22 August 1953 – October 2022


1 comment:

  1. Well, that was something of a shock! I've not been on the net for quite some time as had to purchase another laptop - affording it was squeaky but necessary. My goodness. I've loved Kevin's work ever since first seeing it in 2000AD - Of course it was Nemesis the Warlock. When I was exhibiting in 1982 in a comics artwork exhibition in Ipswich, some of the art bots of 2000AD were up with us, as well as Frank Bellamy, so I got to see these bod's work up close. They were free to the passing breeze and I suspect that, these days, they would all be like Frank Bellamy's work was at the time, bolted to the wall and behind glass. Free to the pressing nose, you could examine to see where mistakes had been whited out and see palimpsestic pencil lines. It was reassuring to see that professionals still need just the occasional spots of process white. Kevin's work just looked damned amazing. One of the real originals of comics mastery. Another one gone! Nuts!
