Friday 20 January 2023

Blog Name Change and Full Update

 I have spent a lot of today upgrading the Black Tower Comics and Books blog (formerly Black Tower Comic Shop News).

I wondered why books were beginning to sell and found that the print on demand company I use had ****** up (again).

They recently did another price change and I re-priced all of the 180+ books on the store because "the price will not return enough money to you as a creator". What they did was re-price AFTER I repriced so that they make more money on my books than I do. 

Why are things selling? I found a large number of books had prices reduced by £1.50, £1.75 and £2.00 (U.S. just make that $). So people can buy my books at even greater reduced prices than before and the previous prices were artificially low anyway. 

What can I do? Well re-price up again. The problem is that this will take at least a week (if you know the POD process and my particular bunch of clowns you will know why). And I have things I need to deal with more urgently so I am kind of screwed for now.

But the blog is at least sorted with new links because, of course, they changed prices and that meant new links so a lot of the old ones were no good.

Who'd be a comic publisher?

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