Sunday 29 January 2023

Just A Few Words of Caution -Look At Facts!


There is one particular You Tube channel, and there are a couple of blogs, that preach "floppy comics are dead!" while also telling everyone that Manga (a "floppy") is THE thing to start buying. They also predict that certain larger comic companies are going to be "gone before the end of this year!" It seems all the bigger American comic companies are facing insolvency.

These people are quoting "sources in the company" or "someone close to the top of the company" as sources.

Bull shit.

What is the agenda here? Constantly pushing only one "truly honest publisher" and his books. Constantly telling everyone they need to get into Manga and constantly shouting and screaming about US published books.

Are these people being paid to promote Manga  (would not be the first time this has happened). For those too young to know we were all told in the late 1980s that Manga was the future and US/European comics would be "a thing of the past in a few years". We got Manga focussed publications...most did not last a year or two. Manga sales declined a shop owners were selling them off cheap. Dr Master Publications and other companies that I worked with to promote their high quality Manga and Manhua...went out of business. 

1990s -same story.  2000s....same story. 2010 on same story and now in 2023 the pimps are pushing Manga again. Manga is loved by many people but only a fraction in the West compared to Asia. What was that Shirley Bassey and Propeller Heads song of the 1990s -"Only history Repeating Itself". Maybe someone ought to look into these prophets of comic doom...who then tell you which US comic you SHOULD buy.

If someone has an unnamed source it is bull shit unless that source provides documented evidence of what is being claimed. The anonymous insider is the biggest trick of people with agendas.

Here is the other thing: no one at the top of a company or "close to the top" is going to blurt out "Our books are crap! We're sinking as a company!" There was a certain gold merchant who was doing great business until he said one day in an interview "Our products are shit" -that did not end well for the company. NO ONE is going to put themselves out of business by releasing statements like that. 

Another thing that smacks of an agenda is how the same companies are focussed on and 'rumours' are spouted as facts. That in itself is a very old tactic to make people shy away from a business which will then lose money and go out of business. It is a deliberate tactic and based on "inside information" that simply does not exist.

Be very -VERY- wary of these channels and blogs as there is far more going on than you can see.  It IS an agenda and the fact that these posts and blogs are almost daily shows this. Ignore them and continue buying your comics.

Where are all the journalists to dig into this grey propaganda? Of course, they probably just enjoy all of this in the hope that some company does crash.


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