Friday 31 March 2023



Authors: Frédéric Zumbiehl; illustrated by Jean-Michal Arroyo

Age: 10 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages:  48 colour pages
Publication: November 2022     

ISBN: 9781800440821

£7.99 incl VAT

War has engulfed Korea, where the great powers are fighting to ensure the domination of their ideology. With the introduction of the superb MiG-15, the North Koreans and Chinese are on the verge of gaining air supremacy. Even American jets can only compete because of the superior training of their pilots. With the threat of veteran Soviet pilots tipping the balance, Buck is tasked with testing a new, far more formidable version of the F-86 Sabre in combat conditions. But saboteurs lurk  … 

I have been waiting for this for a loooong time. These are the stories I read in German when I was younger (along with Dan Cooper adventures). The story is great but the art can astonish at times -but then the series is known for accuracy in depicting not just military procedures (Danny never rose above rank of Colonel as that would stop his being a combat flier) and uniforms but also the vehicles and, of course, the aircraft.

If you watch any old Korean War movie or even had the opportunity to watch the old aircraft like MiGs or Sabres then you have seen how they could move and you have to remember that these were aircraft "flown by stick" -there were no onboard computers or other high-tech gadgets. Just a man sat inside an aircraft and those fliers were the best, hence many becoming test pilots and later astronauts.

The colour work helps push this story along though I will admit that a lot of the time I was just stopping to look at the aircraft more!

Do I recommend this book? Hmmm. Lemme see.....YES! And the menace value at the end of the book is worth waiting for!

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