Friday 11 August 2023

Anukaanahara -The Cosmic Adjudicator

 This started off as a 5" Dr Who Scarecrow character (don't ask m,e which episode or series -I don't care). Anyway, it came as part of a job lot years ago and it is bland as anything (it is supposed to be a scarecrow) and at 0430 hrs the other morning I was looking at it standing next to mt 5" Galoob Mandrake the Magician and I thought "Anukaanahara -The Cosmic Adjudicator" and it took off from that.

I converted (VERY basic) a Ben 10 figure to be a cosmic villain/anti hero(??) and I thought why not?

I just wanted to colour the hood but then I thought "add a little more colour" so I did. Then I painted some more and not a lot just enough to make him "pop" as they say.

Looking through a box for a tooth-pick to make Mandrake a walking stick I found a small piece of plastic broken off from something years ago. I went to put it back in the box and my brain said "Cosmic laptop" so a couple dabs of paint and a cosmic laptop it is.

The staff was something I put together at 0230 hrs and I thought it fit....later in the day I am not quite sure. At the same time I started dabbing bits of paint on some black material and that turned into a poncho of some sort. 

May do some more work with this but for now some pics!

The poncho...yes, I know my camera is crap. Thank you
Cosmic laptop -tidied up since this photo

What a dandy!


  1. I know, I'm a pain, I checked. Dr Who ( David Tennant) 2007 Nature & Family of Blood. Nice figure though. Anukaanahara the Cosmic Adjudicator... And Mandrake ? I always understood Mandrake was a human magician... why is he against the COSMIC Adjudicator? Anyway, looks colourful and fun. I like his staff - now that screams Cosmic ! Also... I have one final question: adjudicators have to be appointed - they have to represent an agreed set of laws that they agree to judge others against... So who appointed the COSMIC Adjudicator? Pedantic, I know... But I did mention I'm a pain, didn't I ? Seeya Terry.

    1. Yeah I sort of lost interest with Dr Who when Tennant went from deadly serious to slapstick comedy with farting apparently being 'hilarious' in stories. Mandrake was there as I was giving him a cloak and cane so no connection -just a reminder to myself to get the job done. Who appointed the Cosmic Adjudicator? He/it has been travelling the galaxy for so long he/it cannot even properly recall its home world. There are a slew of "cosmics" moving into my brain now since the Green Skies events so maybe one day they will be drawn...or not.

  2. Off topic, but something you might find fun. I think I've found the basis for William Ward's Hurricane Hurry - a movie cowboy ( and real life tough guy ) Tim McCoy. A 1930's B-movie hero who rode his horse 'Pal' through a dozen films - notably Texas Cyclone, Two Fisted Law & Lightnin' Bill Carson. He is the spitting image of Hurry right down to his hat ! Well worth a look if you have a bored hour or two. Well, happy trails, Terry. Seeya.

    1. It is possible. Ward was involved in cartooning and so on and the flicks were popular back then. McCoy certainly looks like Hurricane Hurry! The "Texas style" way of wearing the ten gallon hat adds to the feel (I think Hoss in Bonanza was the only post 1950 cowboy I ever saw wearing the un-flattened hat. Maybe McCoy based his look on the famous Hurricane Hurry? :-) Ahhh. Comics
