Friday 22 September 2023

Cinebook Ltd: RIN TIN CAN 1 - THE MASCOT


Authors: X. Fauche & J. Léturgie; illustrated by Morris
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£8.99 inc. VAT

ISBN: 9781800441125

In a fort on the Frontier, the 7th Cavalry keeps a vigilant watch over the Wild West. It is a time of peace with the local Natives, and all is well, thanks – at least in the colonel’s mind – to the regiment’s lucky mascot. But when that dog mysteriously vanishes and bad luck begins to plague the unit, it becomes necessary to find a replacement. The colonel picks Rin Tin Can for the job … and then the real trouble begins!

Oh come on you don't know what this is going to be like? It's Rin Tin Can (not TVs Rin Tin Tin -1954-1959 and no I did not watch it back then but on repeats years later: how old do you think I am???). Here's another TV reference and this on I did watch with dedication on UK TV: F Troop (1965-1967) -look it up. Combine those two and I think you'll know what this album is all about.

Slap-stick and visual humour as well as the sort of gags you might expe4ct to see in Lucky Luke -all wonderfully drawn and coloured so that it is a treat for the eye and the humorous mind. Kids or adults ought to enjoy this. Brighten up your day in these dark times and escape for a while!


  1. I dont know why... probably it's just be me, as the colour is nice.... but if you look just at the black and white work it's far more dynamic and humourous. As I said, it's probably just me.... but black and white is best baby ! Yeah !

    1. Yeah but publishers want colour to attract the nimpies out there. When you look at Moebius' and other French creators and their work before colouring it looks great. But colour brings in the Euros! And I can publish in colour now so...I just have no time to colour !
