Sunday 11 February 2024

Toxic Was Also A UK Comic Title


Thanks to Yahoo stabbing its users in the back the whole Yahoo comic  groups and the discussions between real comic fans died.

I ran a number of groups and they were basically huge data bases of files on characters, comic titles and creators. After the "Troll Wars" in the early 2000s the negatives were kicked out and any nastiness was stopped and if no apologies then the offender got a life ban. Comics should be about fun.

And so, today, I was encouraged to check out some British comic discussion pages. Bloody hell there are still the same old very toxic people lying, spreading negative rumours and making anyone who wants to simply discuss comics feel that they need to leave. It was awful to find nothing had changed in 20 years (last time I visited one of these sites).

Since I put into force the rule that any negative comments or attacks on people commenting would require an immediate reply or life long ban it all stopped. CBO is a place where comic fans should feel free to chat.  Sadly, no one bothers!

So those comic sites I will not be visiting again.

It's comics. Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun is number 1 ! I, honest to God, don't understand why some people don't want to enjoy something so fundamental as a communication of ideas through story telling ! Have fun ! Good, bad or ugly .... or horrific... enjoy the ride ! TTFN.
