Sunday 12 May 2024

Isn't it just?



  1. Indeed! What are the one-eyed figures? I have a boxful of figures that are no longer on display since the move. All in one of those blue tote boxes that you can get. I used to buy them from charity shops if I thought that they would be interesting to draw. I took some along to Cartoon Café when me and Bib started it up. A pity that the library rules changed for the room rental as that messed the whole thing up and we could no longer regular on Saturdays. It was fun whilst it lasted and, sadly, Bib became ill very soon afterwards. I filmed our last meet at his house and there were just the four of us just sitting there chatting and laughing about how the art establishment, auction houses that should have known better, had been taken in by a family of forgers who had created original works which were rejected and decided to get their own back. Until caught, they had actually done well for themselves with their little cottage industry. Bib enjoyed that and said serves the art snobs right.

    1. The one eyed figures are 5 inch Scooby Doo "Skeleton Man" but I was positive it was supposed toi be an alien in the cartoon but I've not seen that for...well, since the 1980s!

    2. Oh. Same here with Scooby Doo. I stopped watching at college age. Just one of those things I suppose and the 80s were when things took a downward tilt. The lyrics of Keepin' The Dream Alive, takes on more effing meaning as you get to our age and you think WTF happened with those decades?? Can I just ask, delving back a bit, do you have any photos of the Westminster marts that we went to? I have one of a group, You, Michael, Ben and Tom Elmes - have I got that right?, but that's all I can find.
