Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Is It Too Soon To Say "Goodbye Christmas"?


Right, Christmas day and I've tidied up the kitchen and gone through some boxes.  Also emptied the kitchen bin and put out the recycling.  What a glamorous life we international publishers live!

Anyway, I am almost finished with the big technical paper I have to put together on the 80+ fox post mortems and draw the conclusions. I hope to get all of that out of the way just after the new year. Then I can get back to the comic projects.

The first will be the long awaited werewolf story starring the Questors, The Prof, Tarot the Gipsy sorcerer and a lot of other guests.  It'll be a howl once finished (see what IU did there? Pathetic, wasn't it?).

Then there is the old and new combined art of the Parallel Motions book which has literally taken since 1995 to complete. Lots of cleaning up (almost done) and then lettering.

Had a fantastic story idea while sleeping and it will never be drawn of course.  I started to put together a list of storylines (series or one offs) I have and they are hard to stop coming so I just tend to ignore them these days.  I got up to idea 25 and then realised what I was doing was pointless without a stable of unpaid artists working away so gave up.

In 2025 I can start concentrating solely on Black Tower Comics and books such as the "Mystery" books covering cryptozoology, ghosts, mystery beasts and, of course, UFOs. The comics, comic albums and graphic novels I will also be pushing and I hope to put together a one day comic and zine event somewhere.  

I have a lot of other plans but I tend not to announce things until I have everything sorted. In the mean time there are over 200 books on the online store!

Hope you all get over Christmas and have a good 2025!

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