Sunday, 1 December 2024

Only Marvel Comics Created British Super Heroes??

 My interest was piqued when I saw a couple of You Tube videos looking at "British Super Heroes".  

Except that they turned out to be only loosely British. Chris Claremont (London born) and Herb Trimpe (who told me that he was at that time living in Cornwall) created the character Captain Britain for Marvel UK. Yes, you read that right because some little internetters credit Alan Moore as having created the character.   From that we then had Betty Braddock aka Psylocke. After that all the characters were Marvel US creations.   

It seems these people could find no DC British heroes.😒 But what more can you expect from American comic fans....except these were all British.  When I heard "Marvel gave us the first British super heroes" I uttered some very rude words out loud.

They did "search the internet" but obviously missed my Obscure British Super Hero post

And also my comprehensive look at British super heroes The Improbability Of The British Super Hero

I guess the problem is that Marvel comics are in colour and the current generation get panic attacks when they see black and white art.... or they are not really that interested in anything beyond Marvel and DC  and American created characters?

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