Sunday, 26 January 2025

Blog Uploads and Updates (as I hide from the storm outside!)


I have been uploading some pages to the UK Golden Age Heroes and British Golden Age Comics 1939-1951 blogs over the last few days -links you can find on the blog roll to the right  -the blog roll being on the Right should not be seen as any kind of political statement or stance 😂

Once I have a technical paper out of the way and have finished the two new Black Tower comic albums I may slap together all the material I had for Comic Bits 3 which is usually heavy on art, rare comic strips and British comics history.

After all I have a few character discoveries to reveal and that is always usually done in my publications rather than online where stealing other peoples' work is common practice. You want to steal my work then pat for it!

Once I get some time (now that I have a new camera -a Christmas present as I am not rich enough to buy one myself!!) I want to photograph the Hong Kong comics I have as I promised that in December but things catch up with me!

If anyone has any links to blogs or sites looking at old Hong Kong made toys or comics please let me know as I am sure there must be Hong Kongers out there knowledgeable in HK comic history and I find it puzzling when I get messages from people in China and HK who tell me they learnt a lot from my posts.

Anyway, the longer I type on here the further away the interesting work is!

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