Sunday 27 April 2014

CBO Postings -Let's Delve Into The Unpredictable!

As I have a rather analytical and curious mind (bordering on insanity) I wanted to see which posts were popular and got the most hits.

The thing is, apart from our Chinese friends keeping Chinese language items in the top five there appears to be no common denominator.

So let's look at what you've all been looking at today (and it's only 11:00 hrs in the UK):

5 Mar 2014

26 Apr 2014, 2 comments

30 Nov 2013


Now this list in itself is odd because there are differences between it and yesterday's top posts which included "Whatever Happened To The Fastest Boy In The World?" and Casterman BD reviews. The Billy Whizz posting was in third position from the day it was posted.  Also, the Savage Jungle Princess link was in the top five for a few days.  Cinebook allways tends to have 2-3 book reviews in the top ten.

I check these stats every day because I find it interesting to see what comickers like. I had thought that Ben Dilworth's pre-Return of the Gods strip "When You See The Green Skies Whisper her Name", might get a good few hits. Unbelievably, since it is a free to read online comic strip, it hasn't even gotten into the top 15 posts. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE??!! And you wonder why he hides away in Japan?

With no Bristol Comic Expo to publicise (cuz me and CBO just aint worth bothering with), all interest seems focussed on the Lakes International Comics Festival. Good.

I can proudly say that CBOers are an eclectic and unpredictable bunch.

Ahh. My work is done!!

And THANK YOU  all for your support.

Incidentally, do not forget there is a link to the right to the great blog Tales From The Kryptonian. And, for today, remember to visit the Crivens blog also for Kid Robson's look at a 1960s Sub-Mariner.  These are two great blogs I'd recommend checking out daily (adding to the stress of Subzero!!)


  1. Once again, thanks for the mention, Terry.

  2. I just love how you read something and think "That's just what I did!" and it shows that kids in the UK who got the comic bug were basically all the same. I've never read: "One had a copy of a periodical by the title of 'The Sub-Mariner' and one felt such excitement that one immediately cantered to ones reading room..." :-)
