Tuesday 6 January 2015

The School I Went To MAY Have Existed. I Just Do Not Know!

Opportunitas tempus est -which roughly translates from Latin as "Time Is Opportunity" and I have no doubt it probably is meant to mean An opportunity to develop" because, unless you know just what the originator meant it can have a couple of meanings.

"WHAT??!!" you are asking.  Well, I went to a rather rough and tough Secondary School -High School today- from 1969-1974 called Greenway Secondary Boys School.  The story of my editing a school mag that was then banned and other stories I've related on CBO in the past.

Thing is, only two other former pupils have admitted to being....well, pupils there.

Now THERE is a mystery.  Maybe.


  1. In my case, the country I knew MAY have existed... or perhaps it's just a digital shadow on the internet ?

  2. Are you talking about Latveria? Run by Dr Doom? Yeah, that never existed though we had an Iron Lady in the UK. Oh, sent you a letter yesterday.
