Monday 28 September 2015

Disney WOULD Sell Marvel Comics

No one interested at all?  Okay, I'll make it brief then.

We all know that Disney knows movies and that is where they make the BIG money, right?  Compared to the profit (yes, even that disappointing multi million dollar profit from Avengers 2) from movies the movies, Marvel comics makes....well, "pennies".

We also know that Disney, via its Marvel turn-coat hatchet men, swept through the Marvel Movies creative teams.  That they have heavy handedly been not pulling strings but attaching tow ropes connected to trucks to control what is going on at Marvel Comics is no secret.  There are a lot of things going on that we will hear about in the next few months so stay tuned (not that you tune into a blog).

NDS (Non Disclosure Agreements) mean that people booted out of Disney/Marvel cannot talk about things.  But I mentioned the situation in a post yesterday so let's not say too much that would leave the person involved open to legal action.

Back in June, Disney had a meeting to which, apparently, only one person from Marvel Comics was summoned.  The topic?  The "profit cut off point" at which Disney would get rid of Marvel.  Sound ridiculous, right?  But it does make business sense.

Disney is NEVER going to get rid of characters that should make it big movie $s. But it has learnt a few things from the whole Fantastic Four movie rights mess up.  Marvel comics are not making huge profits and the plan discussed was this. 

Disney would have a dotted line and if profits fell before that they would sell Marvel Comics as a company.  However, it would insure that it maintained the movie rights to the Marvel characters ad infinitum so it would have the cash cow.  Marvel Comics would be sold "as is" -buyer takes on staff and publishing and has all of those publishing rights and characters (which, of course, a new owner could change again!).

Disney immediately kicks off the burden of having to pay all the Marvel Comics people and is free of any comics rights arguments.  It is "in the movie business" and would have high enough paid lawyers to shut up any objections or challenges.

Initially, I thought that sounded all a bit "off" until I thought about it some more and realised there were similar deals out there.

So it makes sense.  Sell Marvel Comics while the company looks good and that drain of printing bills and wages not to mention all the building and utility costs are gone.  And Disney still has the character movie rights.  How could it lose?

Personally, since I stopped buying Marvel Comics and realised the company was dead I've no interest in what happens to it but this is what I'm told happened and, since yesterday, another person has been told something similar from a source still at Disney.


1 comment:

  1. I go a way for a weeks holiday and read this headline and thought this was happening lol - I could well imagine Disney selling Marvel as well they are after all a multinational company whose bottom line is profit and more profit. Marvel to me has never sat well with Disney (and vice versa) - I think Disney thought the the superhero craze was here to stay and are now re thinking that position in the cold light of day and wondering what they will do with these characters in 5 years time when the bubble has burst and the comics don't sell at all. To be fair to Disney I think (from what I have seen so far) the Star Wars film looks 100 times better that the last 3 (imho) awful / average Star Wars movies so they know what they are doing there but I can see Marvel being run into the ground soon the comics line is going that way at the moment. Maybe Warner will buy Marvel and produce some decent comics as they have totally screwed up the DC characters (again imho).
