Monday 28 September 2015

The Chances Of Anything Coming From Mars....

...Apparently still a million to one.
Just watching the NASA Mars water briefing was great BUT this should have been broadcast over all TV and radio.  Seriously. this is important news....but apparently Kim Kardashian's ass is of more importance.

We may well be Martians...or any life on Mars may be Terran (meteorite impact carrying microbes from Earth to Mars or vice versa) but I think it's fun bearing in mind that for years, in Black Tower comics, anything on Mars is set below the surface where there has always been speculation water and basic life might be.

It is why, in The Green Skies chapter Genocide On Mars the attack involved surface busting weapons. 

Everyone should really be going "Wow.  Water on Mars!" but I get the feeling the latest "affair" or deceit on a TV soap will get more attention.  Hey, it could still be like  Robinson Crusoe On Mars!!



  1. Hopefully the Space Age generation are paying more attention, or are we just labelled as pathetic old geeks now? Well, I'm going to play Copeland's Fanfare and I'm going to play it loud!!!

  2. Twitter and tumblr were positively wetting themselves with delight over the news, and most of the excited people were definitely under 30. Caring about space is not just an old persons hobby!

  3. Twitter and tumblr were positively wetting themselves with delight over the news, and most of the excited people were definitely under 30. Caring about space is not just an old persons hobby!

  4. So, maybe I am looking for an older persons signs regarding this interest. Forgive me for being born in the early sixties and being cynical about devices such as Twitter and Tumblr (?) What I want to see are magazines devoted to the subject hogging space that isn't relegated to a tiny corner on the top shelf of newsagents. I want magazines like Omni and Future Life back, but all I see is interest in the space program perpetually minoritized .

  5. I am afraid that I view computers and Ipads, yes, as an information resource, but an ephemeral resource that needs to be consolidated in hard copy, speculated about and analysed. It's all a matter of what the older generation has been brought up to trust and how long that trust has been built up for us. It doesn't mean that we're stupid. It means that PCs and Ipads and the net have only been around for a small fraction of our lives and we more naturally look to hard print for a knowledge resource.

  6. Yeahhhh. This was a comic blog. You need the AOP Blog. No more stuff on Mars or Sciuence here, please.
