Thursday 3 December 2015

Doctor Who: The Hybrid - Series 9 Finale BBC TV Trailer


  1. Well, this is a bit of a stitch up isn't it.

  2. Well, why bother with his having been a "bit of a renegade" Time Lord, President of Gallifrey or any of that other stuff from 1963 on? Hybrids are hip, cool these days. Its in all the UFO books and TV. So let's make the doctor a hybrid. I just don't give a crap now.

    1. It's a fan made trailer, so I ignored it anyway. The hybrid bit is either referring to half human bit in the Paul Mcgann film or the Maisie Williams character or something that hasn't been seen yet. Anyway, I, for one, have never been bothered with what's supposed to be cool and not drowned myself in hyped up genre. I've seen the Marvel films when I've thought of it on DVD and watched Doctor Who, as I have since 1966. My clearest earliest memory is 'The Smugglers', and have watched every episode since. The last extra-Whovian SF series I kept up with was Primeval. I prefer spending the time reading and drawing and downloading and watching lectures. There are loads of these fan made trailers on YouTube. I've had a look at them, admired that they can do this with a home set up these days, but they are still obviously home made. Mostly I just ignore them.
