Friday 4 December 2015

Lucky Luke 55 - Arizona

Authors: Morris
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: October 2015
 ISBN: 9781849182683
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

A gang operating around Nugget City is attacking stage coaches to steal gold shipments. After rescuing the driver of one of them, Lucky Luke arrives in town just in time to stop the murderous intents of a cheat. Pursuing the scoundrel after an epic bar fight, Luke finds out he’s a member of the gang, and will have to arrest him and the others before riding on to new adventures on the other side of the Rio Grande.

I opened this up and...WHAT-??!!

The art style looks weird. I got used to the old style and how Luke looked and now this is more "cartoony"...I'm in two minds about this but it is still humorous. Still plenty of gags and vizuals and I guess I'm going to have to adapt my brain to this style.

Still a great series and I was shocked when my niece told me she had no idea who Lucky Luke was!!!



  1. Hmm. Looks as if Luke has attained a Tex Avery sort of rubberyness. Not sure if I could get used to it myself. I think I'll just stick with the ones I have. I like Tex Avery, but I don't feel that it's Luke.

  2. I was going to say Tex Avery but last time I did I got "Who?" And thave you seen the ORIGINAL 1940s LL?

    1. Unfortunately no. The earliest Lucky Luke I have is 'La Diligence' 1968, both in French and English - the one with the Wallace Beery caricature ! The older ones I would love to see, but, have never had the opportunity. It's a shame that Tex Avery isn't celebrated for the outstanding craft of cartooning creativity. I connect with his cartooning infinitely more than ' cute and cuddly' D!! Thuk Pthew! , 'cuse me for even mentioning for which I deeply apologize.
      Y' know what? That makes me mad! is still my catchphrase yeares after I used it in the school yard, and I'm sure Droopy was the model for Columbo.
