Sunday 24 January 2016

Not So Much "Avengers Assemble!" As Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone

Ahh, looked at a couple of Avengers comics -not Marvel's Avengers but the TV Avengers! Or, as it was called in Germany Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone (With Umbrella, Charm and Bowler).  If it had been the Avengers the word would have been Racher but the Germans -had to be "very British"!

Here's the beginning to the German beginning to the Diana Rigg run.

And did you know before Honor Blackman entered there was another partner for Steed? The reconstructed first ever episode on You Tube:

Phew! Lucky the Germans never had Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone comics, heh?


And, yes, I wish I had these but I'm guessing they were based on the Gold Key comics -which used the British comic strips but coloured them.


  1. One thing I have noticed on the reruns recently is the speed has ramped up a bit, so the theme tune is an octave higher and Steed and Emma have started to sound squeaky. This was a fault that was complained about on the new DVD Box set releases. Considering we only bought a television in 1964, I mainly remember Diana Rigg episodes, and only a vague memory of Honor Blackman at the time, so it was a great pleasure to see repeats and really enjoyed the different pace and Johnny Dankworth's theme. I never managed to get The Avengers Annuals, but still have a great fondness for John Canning's version that ran in TV Comic. Interesting that Gold Key did a version of British strips.

  2. On digital? I think that has something to do with the system used. Some BBC camera man once explained it to me but....

    1. A shame really. I would have forked out for those box sets, but I read the comments and decided against until the fault is known to be fixed. I notice audio deviations like that far too easily and noticed it when they repeated 'Dead Man's Treasure' last night. The comments say it is the Emma Peel episodes that were affected.
