Sunday 20 October 2019

Hopefully This Works....

I have a laptop that seems to want to do what IT wants and break down at least 5 times a day.  So this is my second try at a post.

Not only have we seen how badly the internet has affected comics and other media (new comics illegally downloadable on the day they are released raises a LOT of questions as to who has access to files).  We have seen that all the internet has really down is destroy comics -and other- fandoms: the whole SJW and anti SJW debacle could not have happened without the internet.

Trolls, spammers and campaigns to drive people to despair could not have happened without the internet.  You see, you are dealing with cowards who dare not use their real names because they know the consequences of that. They slide out of their slimy nest and post quickly then slide back in. They do this because their lives are inadequate -sexually or in social status. Report the USP and other data and that way they get restrictions to their porn (they REALLY need their porn of whatever type).

"Internet will be great for small businesses!" A lie that is beginning to be seen through by people these days.  Amazon prices are high and its only when you get to the check out that you'll see what the item will cost with P&H included. Some idiot buys a book for £30 BECAUSE it is post is not post free (NOTHING on Ebay or Amazon is post free as Ebay takes 8% of the postage cost). From the spource that book would have cost £20 WITH P&H.

If a shop cannot beat Amazon or Ebay prices it is not being run correctly. The problem is that you have to let people know your prices.  Example: a pack of 14 54mm plastic toy soldiers will cost you in a shop around £10.  Amazon and Ebay -£25 to an absolutely ridiculous £45 and these are NEW.

Britcomics on Yahoo groups was set up in 2004 and has many files relating to Golden and Silver Ages comics/creators and over 5000 images some of them rare. Despite assurances just two weeks ago that it was untrue Yahoo has now told all group owners -people in business, hobbyists and others- that come 28th October ALL groups will be deleted and that means 18 years of creating a British Comic Book Archive were wasted.  Google shut down its groups/blogs.

There is no such thing as a secure and permanent blog.  I know someone who bought his website and had a good chuckle at us "twits".  He was told that the company he purchased the site from is going out of business....all his work will be gone.

People claiming to be comic fans have helped the demise of small companies.  Firstly because a lot of them want to see the whole Social Justice Warrior-anti SJW fakery going on over at You Tube (let's not get started on YTs suicide) -they do not care about comics or creators they just want nastiness and name calling and that is going to backfire very badly for both sides (in fact it already is).

It seems almost incredible but having posted the figures before, and they come from secondary sources who checked, I and two artists who worked with me on two books lost millions of dollars -that is NOT a joke but based on every illegal download of each book at the cover price. The figures are online and you just need to visit the sites to see. I am NOT promoting those sites so search but I just checked and this year alone there have been 99,987 downloads of one book alone and say the book cost $12.00 -99,987 x 12 = $1,199,844 -money internet thieves and receivers have stolen from us.

The interview with David Gordon has received 23097 views.  How many sales has he had from that? Seemingly none.  Posts about Black Tower Comics and Books get very high views and total over 2 million so far: how many sales from 2 million views?  None.

If you see someone on a comics forum who tells you they have bought copies of my booms "because I believe in supporting Independent publishers" they are a liar.  The one advantage of self publishing is that I can go right back to 2009 and see WHAT was sold and to WHOM. Ask to see the invoice they get when they buy books from my store and watch them get indignant and tell you to go lick yourself...because they have NOT purchased books at all. I am aware of five people making this claim and in each case they would not respond to a simple question I asked.

Views on the Black Tower Face Book page hit quite high figures. But why are people checking the FB page and posts here if they have absolutely no interest in buying?  It HAS killed my business and I've made this clear before.  I'm living hand-to-mouth and buying a new PC or laptop to continue the work is a pure fantasy. No money. And...9 books fully done and ready to add to the other 100 but they'll remain on storage disk.

Patch and repair is no longer possible.  No one cares. CBO goes you just move on to Bleeding Cool or one of the other company mouthpieces to be fed the usual crap. Move on to another publisher's Face Book page to lurk around.

I know that this will fall on absolutely dead ears (and be read by dead eyes) but YOU have the chance to say "screw it all" and support Indie comic publishers and make the difference. Let's face it I've tried Patreon and all those other things including a donation button and zero response.

Perhaps it is a good thing if this laptop blows because it will save me time and energy and I can find people who really care.

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