Wednesday 1 July 2020

Green Skies -I Know What You Are Thinking

Normally if I announce that there is a new book on the way or put out a preview image that book appears the same day or the day after.

I announced that The Green Skies Vol. 3, Part 1 was completed a couple weeks ago. So where is it?

Well a preview/test copy has gone off to the Big Man in Osaka. The completed file for the book is stored.

You see, The Green Skies begins as soon as Black Tower Super Heroes is released. I am getting BTSH No. 5 ready to publish. The run ends at No. 8 and most of those issues (bar No. 8) are fully completed. So No. 8 should be out in October meaning the first part of The Green Skies will be out October/November and be released monthly after that.

I have just re-shuffled the pages for Vol. 3 Part 2 and can tell you it will contain 128 pages. This volume will contain major plot elements and spoilers. There are deaths, though. And death in the BT Universe is permanent -no reboots.

If Part 1 had 124 pages why does Part 2 have 128? Simple: to help the plot and story develop and flow easily. It is a little extra work for me but as an Independent publisher I can be flexible on content.

It's good to be the Boss. Money is lousy, though ! 😂😂

I will begin the scanning of pages this weekend -I need a rest and have soldiers to paint and jobs in the garden!  Lettering will probably start next week by which time I will know how many pages are in Part 3 (I will NOT tell myself until that time).

There's your update :-)


  1. Woohoo! Looking forward to getting the material! It is the one thing keeping me going right now. The idea of a new project! Yay! Bring it on! GREEN SKIES ! Woohoo!

  2. You get too excited. Are you medicated? :-) :-) To be honest the only thing keeps me going is a new project but I tend to work fast and then need something else. I had to put plans to redraw Chung Ling Soo on permanent hold as I've Green Skies pts 2-4 to scan, clean and letter plus add the extra strips to complete the BTSH run (The Prof and Crash Carew strips came in handy!). I've yet to finish the cross Earths series which I've used the old Ultimate Game title for. Face it -I am not going to live long enough to complete every project especially as I am working part time on the next to gather dust book. See -yer in the wrong country! :-)

  3. I did have a very vivid horror story of Japanese troops sent out to patrol a jungle in WW2....a yokain involved. See, I get ideas so many times every day that I tend to keep them as little live action movies in my at night!
