Wednesday 1 July 2020

I never imagined that we would get to 2020....

There are currently 130 books at the online store covering sci fi, horror, super heroes, westerns, jungle action as well as text books covering nature and World Mysteries...and comic creator interviews.

I mention this as someone on Face Book, in passing asked "What are your main goals with these books?"

To sell them. The books are product and I know so many people whince when I call them that. But they are product and stock that will be available until I turn up my toes.

Yes, comics are there to be fun and entertainment and I am a comic fan and collector (after 59 years I can no longer deny it!) but for myself and contributors it is a lot of hard work but you try to have fun and sometimes I get surprised.

The new Halcon book has a story in it titled "Werewolf" and the last panel had me smiling and chuckling because it was not what I was expecting. Mr Dilworth did similar with the last page of Silvermaigne: Knight Ghoul Hunter...I sat back on seeing that.

So hard work but fun. The hard wortk and pain in the ass comes when I have to scan all the pages to a book -24 to150 at times- resize, clean up and do other editorial stuff before even getting to the publishing stage which in itself can be an even bigger pain. The potential buyer/reader does not see or have to deal with any of that just read and enjoy a book.

So, yes, I do indeed want to sell my books because that is the only way the creators (and me!) are ever going to get paid for all of the work.  Black Tower Comics & Books is an Independent publisher. No one is living off of mom and dad or living on a huge inheritance. Vegetarian sausages and beans can be the meal of the day...or a cheese toastie!

I never imagined that we would get to 2020 and that comic artists and creators would still be seen as people who "just draw" and need a proper job. At least ion Europe there is appreciation of artists or writers of comics. That the "just draws comics" mind-set still exists in the United States (where crooks are still ripping off creators) seems ludicrous. In the UK...well...

Once all the people get their cut of a book's sale price (the POD company and printer) there is no profit margin. I once worked out that I would need to sell 20 copies of a title to get back the actual cover price of 1 copy.  It is not glamorous. Distributors have dirty deals which mean you will never see our books in comic shops (shops outrightly refuse to take books unless as freebies that they can then price as they want-I am not kidding) because their "bread and butter" are, or were, Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse and if you think you msake money selling via a distributor...NOT as a small Indie you won't and I know that from experience.

The online store is almost better than a comic shop. You order a book it is printed and posted in YOUR region. I need to keep emphasising that (it's why I dropped "UK" in BTs title) because some think they need to order from the UK. You do not. Japan -books are printed in the region. Germany -diotto.  Finland -ditto. Your books are only printed in the UK if you reside in the UK.

I want to sell books. Pay bills and I going to get wealthy off of this?  Very much doubt it which is why I look forward to my state pension.....hang on....retirement age is even higher now???

Enjoy your day. I'm off to see what's in the cupboard.

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