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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 8 August 2014

psst! You A Bit Stupid? Wanna Buy A Torn Up Comic Book for A Small Fortune?

Here's a joke.  You know, some greedy person thinks people will buy stuff if they ask a ridiculous price?  Or even if it is a wreck with an absolutely stupid price that is so high I'd count it as a robbery.

Question: what idiot would buy THIS for £30.00?

Condition: Used  ("Used" for block up a huge gap in a wall????
Seller notes: Great Vinyl in great condition”   (It's...a comic....WHAT???)

Silver Age (1956 - 1969) (UK Silver Age was 1951-1977 so there.)

Publisher: Alan Class & Co Comic London
Genre: Science Fiction Issue Number:


Features: First Print

They left out "Totally ruined and sellotaped cover which is torn and crinkled to buggery and by the looks of it loose pages.

Depressing to think a moron MIGHT pay £30 for this!

Ebay -the real-life version of Reggie Perrins "Grot-Shop"!

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