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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 8 December 2014

The Birmingham Comics Festival 2015 -Got Your Ticket Yet?


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Ticket Information

VIP Early Bird Ticket
VIP Early Bird Ticket - £25 - A special limited ticket option, this ticket not only includes early bird entry to The Festival from 9.00 am - 90 minutes before general opening – but also an invitation to our after-show evening event and a limited Birmingham Comics Festival tote bag crammed with free comics, graphic novels and some exclusives not available anywhere else! 
18 Apr 2015  £25.00   £0.65
Early Bird Ticket
Early Bird Ticket - £15 - Allows entry to The Festival for 9.00am – 90 minutes before general opening – this ticket is ideal for those wanting to be first in line for show sketches, exclusives and bargains! Of course, this ticket also includes the opportunity to attend any talks, presentations and workshops scheduled throughout the day! 
18 Apr 2015 £15.00   £0.55
Standard Entry (14 years and above)
Day Ticket - £10 - Our standard entry ticket is the best value ticket around, giving unlimited entry to The Birmingham Comics Festival from 10.30 am and including the opportunity to attend any talks, presentations and workshops scheduled throughout the day! 
18 Apr 2015 £10.00   £0.50
Childrens Ticket (6-13 years)
Children's Ticket (6-13, under 5's are free) - £7.00 - Our standard entry ticket is the best value ticket around, giving unlimited entry to The Birmingham Comics Festival from 10.30 am and including the opportunity to attend any talks, presentations and workshops scheduled throughout the day!
18 Apr 2015 £7.00 £0.47



  1. Hey Terry - sorry I've been off the radar as it were. I'm dealing with a lot of things here. SIF. ( Such Is Life ) However - a small package is winging it's way to you AWS ( As We Speak ) with a special package in it so LMK ( Let Me Know ) when it arrives - posted today around 11:50 am Japan Time. AYCS ( As You Can See ) I've been dealing with a lot of acronym throwing idiots recently - so I thought WTFN ( Why The Hell Not ) and decided to join them - until I regain my sanity
    ( IRMS ) which is not likely to be soon ! So, take it easy. See you in the funny pages.
