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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 7 October 2016

Cinebook the 9th Art -Iznogoud 13: I Want To Be Caliph!

Authors: Goscinny & Tabary
Age: All ages
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: August 2016
ISBN: 9781849183109     Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

An obsession, a leitmotiv, the quest of a lifetime... That is what it is to Iznogoud – becoming caliph instead of the caliph. And that is why he will stop at nothing. A ghost that drives caliphs – and only caliphs – insane? Worth a try. A specialist in scandals? Why not. A magical wax museum? Let’s go! A good thing indeed that he is as stupid and unlucky as he is evil...
Is...No...Good.  I write that because people still  ask how you pronounce that name.
You know, I do not believe that Iznogoud is having a movie made about his scheming and escapades.  Now that he would be really ticked off over "I want to be a movie star!" is what he'd be shouting....if he could get past the movie stars cameo-ing in this book.
But Cinebook's resident bad boy has so much on his hands -again. Will he ever achieve his life's goal?  And how dim is the Caliph anyway??

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