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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 7 October 2016

Cinebook The 9th Art -The Last Templar 2: The Knight In The Crypt

Authors: Raymond Khoury & Miguel Lalor
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: August 2016
ISBN: 9781849183086
Price: £7.99 inc. VAT

The investigation onto the museum raid continues, but it’s a difficult one. One of the four ‘knights’ has already died in his – guarded – hospital room, and FBI Agent Reilly is unknowingly engaged in a race to find the other thieves before the mysterious assassins trying to eliminate them. Meanwhile, young archaeologist Tess Chaykin is following up the Templar lead – one that the FBI considers too far-fetched to be worth looking into...
Again: some very nice artwork.  Colour work good.  Story -twists and turns and the characterisation and pacing is very good. Cannot really be faulted.  However, the one thing I kept thinking was that, even a top book like this, the conspiracy and twists and so on start becoming a little "samey"!  
I never thought I'd write that but maybe it is just me?  The thing is, of course, Cinebook have so many series and titles that if these thrillers do get a tad boring you can try something else.  Which makes it seem like I think this is boring -which it isn't of course it might just be the fact I'm reading a batch of these in one go and desperately want some smash em up action and devastation!
We are just spoilt.
Still a fun read.

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