But they failed to secure the real star. Me.
Not that long to go til this event and there are two names that stand out: Bristol's own Paul Ashley Brown and Dimitri Pieri (the singing rebel once known as Jimmy Gherkin).
If Mr Brown has any stock left (I am depleting what stock he has already because
I invest wisely in comics) check his table out. Also, of course, Dimitri.
Until last week I had no idea this event was even on -but who tells old men stuff, right? So you can guess I won't be there. You know, this is why I'm trying to organise an event because the Small Press has taken and taken over the years but an invite to an event?
Now, now, must not get bitter.
But check it out -
free entry. Are you going to argue about free entry to an event???
Saturday 10th September 2016
Left Bank, Cardigan Road, LS6 1LJ
11am - 6pm
Free Entry
We are now at capacity for stallholders at Leeds Zine Fair 2016
You can still bring your zines along and sell them at the communal stall if you would like, we just ask that you staff the stall at some point during the day. If you would like to facilitate a workshop or anything else that might add to the event, drop us an email to
pen fight is a little zine & DIY art distro based in Manchester. Publishing and distributing feminist zines, art zines, perzines & more
Big Brown Eyes is a collective of three sisters: Emily, Karis and Freya Lambert.
They combine their talents to produce themed illustrative zines, as well as individual comics, handmade products and prints - showcasing their personal interests and styles.
Individually, their work can be found in various anthologies such as Dirty Rotten Comics, Radio On and Thought Bubble and in comic shops around the country.
Following their debut on the small press scene at last years BCZF, they have been featured and reviewed by Broken Frontier.com and Emily has also been named as one of Broken Frontier's 'Six Small Press Creators to Watch in 2016'.
Black Lodge Press is a DIY publishing print specializing in small press comics, zines and merchandise with a DIY punk ethos. We support and involve inclusive communities of creative people, publishing work that celebrates feminism and queer culture!
Two humans, three cats and a printer cohabiting and publishing zines which touch on our regular pursuits - illustration, teen films, cans of pop, self analysis, art and nature.

We are freelance artists and we sometimes self-publish our own books/posters/badges etc of our own comics and attempt to sell them. We have 3 volumes of 'Blonge!'* made so far and one choose-your-own-adventure type gamebook. Our stuff's basically self-aware silly old-school style comedy comics with a traditional flavour and terrible puns.
*Our answer to old school comics with daft names like Topper, Beezer and Whizzer and Chips etc.
Tallulah Magoo is an illustrator and printmaker based in Leeds. When she's not busy getting paint under her fingernails in the print studio, she can be found holed up in her room drinking tea and obsessively doodling, handbinding zines and generally making things out of stuff. Common themes include silly looking animals, The Beatles, isolation, mexican wrestlers, trees and Billy Childish's face.
Lindsay Draws is a zinester, potter and newly qualified joiner living in East London. Her zine The Man Called Uncle Tim is an oral history of her uncle who lived in a queer, polyamorous household from 1970 until his death in 1995. It is an exploration into what gets passed down and what gets left out of family history as well as an attempt to redress that imbalance. The fourth and final issue in the series will be available at Leeds Zine Fair, along with other zines and prints.
queer little tales, feminist fire, and zines about cover versions
fanfiction & short stories & the latest issues of a fanzine dedicated to wes anderson: wes anderzine.
I think that self publishing is the most accessible media for making art. I have made comix and zines since 2008. Right now I'm making these 4-colour riso collections ofabstract drawings influenced by
The Dark Mountain, Derrick Jensen's - Endgame, and thinking generally about the future of the planet, this book is called
Optimism: End-Times and I will be selling copies at the Leeds Zine Fair. My zineography is here
Cheers. DAP X
A zine dedicated to the open minded that explores sexuality, gender, culture and feminism, in the forms of fiction, non-fiction, illustration and poetry
Purveyors and publishers of anarchist sense and nonsense since way bak in the day. Zines, books, papers, badges, patches, tshirts and music.
The last 3 years I am collaborating with several creators mostly from Greece in order to spread around the zine culture. We are creating free street fests and fairs, workshops and activities, we have a small public zine library as well.
The bad economy of Greece made lot of us to leave the country and from that started the idea of an international zine. Now we collaborating with creators from Spain, Chile, Greece, Italy, US, UK and our first issue will be published at 1st of Sept.
Stall: The stall will have screen printed tees, posters, several zines in English and Greek language as well. And of course the international zine that it will be 100 pages long and probably will be Multilanguage.

Indestructible Energy is a limited edition, submission based, art zine.
This zine explores the relationship between reproduced and original artwork within the context of the traditional fanzine without being bound by conventional zine publishing practices.
Aspects of the zine will change issue to issue. Each issue will have 100 copies, each copy will include both reproduced and original pieces making each copy an individual piece of art.
All issues are open to and thrive on submissions which can be made as reproducible (digital or hard copy) or original artwork.
Submissions of original work should be submitted in a run of 100.
Nick Taylor is an illustrator and graphic artist based in Nottinghamshire. He combines his love of drawing, collage, mark-making and printing with digital techniques. He makes his own screen prints and zines, taking lots of inspiration from pop culture, musical and cinematic icons and folklore.
The turn up is real.
Getting turnt serious number.
Big hitters inside the place.
So come out the place.
I write Call my name zine, a perzine series on growing up and growing stronger, feminism, mental health, finding and making good places, queerness, and agriculture. I'll also bring stickers and patches.
Dead Trees & Dye zine distro has been running since 2004 selling everything from perzines, punk, anarchist & queer theory.
Sugar Paper is a bi-annual craft zine featuring 20 things to make and do from knitting to recipes, cross stitch to paper crafts. Also selling zines about race, class, pop culture and art.
Shape & Situate / Colouring Outside The Lines.
Bringing art/interview/political/poster/feminist zines to Leeds Zine Fair 2016
The Screever is a little punk zine based in the West Midlands that features interviews with artists and bands / musicians, as well as reviews, the odd recipe, and a bunch of other stuff. The tenth issue is due out this Summer alongside their third accompanying compilation tape. Lee also writes and illustrates a perzine called 'Larry', a bunch of 24 hour zines, and always brings a few screen-printed totes and patches along.
Jacq creates zines on Intersectionality, Queerness, Blackness, and Vegan Cooking!
Doug makes comics based zines, including 'In the Year of the Rabbit', a collection of short comics and blackout poetry, a Jurassic Park fanzine and other works on storytelling and reassurance. More info at:
Sam makes 'About a Girl', a zine about a girl coming of age at the turn of the millenium, as well as other zines on subjects such as Pokemon, obnoxious animals and a self-help guide featuring Britney Spears and Jar Jar Binks. More info at

Soofiya - graphic designer, straight edge anarchist and activist makes
zines about (amongst other things) menstruation, feminism, anarchism
and things in life they rate on a scale of 1 to 10.
Graduated from the University of the West of England in 2001 with a BA (Hons) Degree in Illustration. Since 2008 he has been self-publishing the Zine Browner-Knowle, a collection of his short narrative drawings and comic-strips. as well as other one-off titles. His work has featured in publications The Illustrated Ape, Strike!, The Comix Reader, TheAffordable Amazement Catalogue, Indestructible Energy andStripburger . He lives and works in Bristol, England.
Note Well Press is a risograph printing studio based in Norwich run by Nick Pearce and Charlotte Reeve. We specialise in artist books, prints and zines.
Zines by Jade Mars and pals. Writings on witchcraft, tarot and astrology; being queer, trans and autistic; mental health & self-care; sex-critical perspectives on non-monogamy, relationships and queer communities; and crushing the kyriarchy.
Steve Larder is an artist, illustrator, and publisher of indie-comics and zines. He has been publishing his auto-biographical illustrated zine, ‘Rum Lad’ since 2006 and is a regular contributor to 'As You Were' - an international punk comic anthology. Steve lives and works in Nottingham, UK.
My work focuses on social injustice, activism, folk lore and human frailty. I explore themes through character design and visual storytelling.
We are a publishing house originally based in Poland, specialising in comics since 2007.
Our authors include Chester Brown, Sara Colaone, Howard Cruse, Anke Feuchtenberger, Tom Gauld, Line Hoven, Lucie Lomová, Luke Pearson, Bastien Vives, Jay Wright and Alexandar Zograf.We live in three cities: Poznan, Berlin, and now also London, where we started our publishing activity in March 2014.
For us, comics means beautifully published, well written, and exceptionally drawn literature.
A picture of life in a solid frame.
Wur Bradford is an open, inclusive arts and social space situated in a stall the city's Kirkgate Market, exploring how we can make change through creativity and collective action. We make zines together and separately, documenting the things we do and the ideas that are important to us.
One Way Ticket to Cubesville is a mid-air collision of anarchy and absurdity, which showers burning debris across a vast plain of DIY music and culture. The smash-hit Vegan's Guides are cynical, sarcastic and offer no discernible solutions - they're just funny if you're veggy. We're also promoting long-running Manchester radio show, Under the Pavement - your fortnightly two-hour voyage of anarchy on the airwaves, which brings the latest in DIY music and grassroots activism.
Sitting somewhere between a conventional comic, a fanzine and an underground artists’ book, The Selfish Dream, written by Om Lekha and illustrated by Blinky 4, explores themes of visual biography, socio-philosophical polemics and ritual magic.
The Selfish Dream is a story in two parts. The first of which depicts the life of evolutionary scientist and public intellectual Richard Dawkins in biological episodes from conception to death, whilst the second depicts an unnamed protagonist orchestrating and executing an atavistic-promethean psychosexual rite.
Kristyna Baczynski is an illustrator, comic book artist and designer. Freelancing from her studio in Leeds she creates books, comics, zines, posters, apparel, stationery and more for a wide range of clients that has included Chipotle, Anorak, The Royal Shakespeare Company, IBM and Etsy.
As well as creating her own comics (Hand me Down, A Measure Of Space, Vessel, Vantage), Kristyna has worked with publishers at home and internationally such as Fantagraphics, Image and Sequential. Her comics have been nominated for two British Comic Book Awards and an Eisner.
Artificial Womb is a feminist arts zine & distro, which promotes the work of emerging female creatives within Scotland and their allies. Run by multi-media artist Ana Hine, with support from her fiancé Alfie Pound, Artificial Womb aims to empower its contributors by paying them for their work and encouraging them in their craft.
Paper and Ink is a literary zine that promotes good writing, presented on paper and printed in ink. Each issue has a different theme and features a wide array of writers and artists from all over the world. More info can be found at: www.paperandinkzine.co.uk
Kim writes zines about S.A.D, introversion, travel, festivals and a few perzines. She also makes screenprinted patches, notebooks and cards with feminist, queer and pop culture themes.
Holly Casio makes queer feminist diy zines and comix about fandoms, dancing, being working class, and burnout.