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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 3 August 2014



  1. Thanks for posting these up, Terry. This is one of my favourites - the big monster thingy is wonderully not humanoid. Just between lessons now, so I thought I'd drop a line and say that your letter has arrived in the afternoon post ( evidently ). I'll read it later on tonight ( it's a bit after six here now ).
    Looking at these strips - and comparing them to the PC size 'B5' ones - the PC ones work better. I also have a small idea about how to link the PC size ones in a more interesting way. I'll do some trials and stuff and get back to you. Thanks for putting up Silana, too. A heroine in non-sexy clothes. Another of the things I enjoyed doing. Well, cheers Terry. Back to the grindstone.

  2. well, there were 1670 hits yesterday (slow day) and today (so far its only 5pm) 1222 which means 2900+ will have seen the strips. Good. I like to put up cartoons and stripwork when it gets quiet and I just thought "Why not?" When she's not floating naked in front of huge triangles in space, Silana's okay!!
