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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 2 August 2014

It's The Internet. Who Comments On The Internet???

I have been communicating with Mr Stransky about the lack of comments on CBO and why this is typical of comic blogs these days -long gone are the days of fanzines when you'd receive many locs (letters of Comment).

To prove the point here are statistics from my DeviantArt page:

Gallery Stats for terrywerry

terrywerry has 354 pageviews total, 6 journals and their 135 deviations in their gallery were viewed 1,243 times. terrywerry watches 0 deviant, while 4 deviants watch terrywerry.

Overall, their deviations received 7 comments and were added to deviants' favourites 39 times, while terrywerry made 6 comments, about 0 comments per day since joining deviantART. This means that terrywerry received 12 comments for every 10 that they gave.

The deviation with the most comments is Nrotg 205 with 3 comments, while the most favourited one is Adv8 017, with 3 favourites. The most viewed deviation is Vampires Bat 001 with 53 views.
56 favourites were given for every 10 comments.

Every 13.6 days terrywerry uploads a new deviation, and it's usually on a Tuesday, when 49 (36%) of deviations were submitted.

The busiest month was October 2013 when 115 (85%) deviations were submitted.

The majority of deviations are submitted to the cartoons gallery (132), while the favourite category was comics > strips with 108 deviations.

Comments per deviation: 0.05
Favourites per deviation: 0.28
Views per deviation: 9.2
Comments per day: 0
Favourites per day: 0.02
Deviation views per day: 0.67
Pageviews per day: 0.19

 So, 135 pages and they have been viewed 1,243 times. Number of comments...actually THREE so I have no idea where "7" comes from...ah, me responding to comments. I see.

It's the internet, baby!

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