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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 22 February 2016

Doo Wah Diddy Diddy I Got A Flea And Put It In My Tea

I really am running out of post titles.

Anyway, the last thing I wanted to do today was write another post.  Seriously. But first the funny story.

I was just in the local B&M stores and two youngsters (in their twenties) were looking at me.  I was looking at the action figures (none of your business!). So, after a while I turn: "Is there a problem here, boys?" (I really MUST stop being so aggressive).

One looks sheepish and says "You the guy does that Comic Bits blog?" Okay, at this point I took out my press photos to sign for them...yeah, right. Anyway, we got talking and they then asked about action figures: "Why doesn't someone just bring out plain figures you can use to make your own characters?"

 Me being spotted and identified in a store is the humorous bit!

By the time I left the store -having given some advice, of course- I had already gone through it all. People spend a lot of money of action figures that they can convert, easily or otherwise, into their own or a favourite character. I know how that works!

But look at what a company is missing out on.  You need a plain Regular male and female action figure.  Then a "Super physique" male and female. Maybe a couple clip on plastic hairpieces you can but do not have to use.  That is it.  No licensing fee to pay to Marvel, DC, Image or that other company.  It's all profit.  Comic fans get to make their own one off action figure(s).

Now, if you want a top quality,one off (so unique) action figure of a character then you go to someone like David Gordon and Chang3lings. And they do a spot on job (link to the right).

How the hell, after decades of people having to chop, cut, glue and repaint existing action figures, does a company NOT see the potential there?

oh -below Chang3lings playing cards available in April!

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