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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 20 February 2016

Van Hamme's Epoxy...Sure Ain't Resin!

You'd need to be into modelling or something to understand this post title and its humour. Hey -you ain't paying for this humour!
Rescued this from an old hay cart in an old barn in Dalborn, Germany.  Apparently Van Hamme's first graphic novel.  Some great art, too.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a find. Cuvelier's art is great, as you say. I first came across his work on Epoxy in one of the scrap books that Bib gave to me many years back and, finally, grabbed both Epoxy and the book of his work, 'Les Chemins Du Merveilleux' a couple of years ago. As usual the books haven't reached English translation and my CSE French, supplemented with years of having Asterix, Valerian and Tin Tin in both languages has to suffice. Out of his languages, Dad didn't have French, so couldn't have helped me there. The style of Paul's work, veering more towards Dudley Watkins than Giraud who steers towards caricature with Blueberry. His portrayal of animals, especially horses, is beautiful to look at and has a sensitivity towards them, a reason I started studying his work because they are a difficulty. Well worth the investment for wonderful black and white art with none of the eccentricities of layout, which with Paul is nearer to Burne Hogarth and Alex Raymond's traditional style of strip page.
