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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Views 22 and 23 January -updated









Interestingly, the United Kingdom comes in 14th place regarding views here while the United States which always held 2nd place when it came to views is in 5th place. France, always used to be within the top 10 viewing countries but is now in 15th place.  


The top 5 countries viewing countries  are:


Hong Kong      1.12K

Netherlands     158

Germany         150 (always in the top 10)

Austria            144

United States  63


The interesting thing is, as I have mentioned before, being a blog with a world wide audience, different time zones and on and on, if I did this all again tomorrow there would likely be a new top 5 or 10 (hang in there with me Germany).

I just need to sell books to these countries!

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