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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 4 January 2011

The Comix Reader

Newspaper size
24 pp
colour and black and white

I never actually thought that this was going to appear. There seemed to be quite a few delays so, when Mr. Brown told me he had received his copies I whipped him furiously with a wet lettuce leaf until he gave me a copy (he never objected to the whipping -he loves it!).

Now, I just recalled yesterday that I did write stuff for something called The Comix Reader years -years- ago.  Have I contributed to this wholly comic strip version?  No. Why? Because NO ONE ASKED ME!!  Deep breath….

This is actually quite a fun publication.  The print quality is superb and the cover very underground-ish.
“Charlie Parker Handyman” by Elwick and O’Connor makes a great start and Cowdry provides some fun “Somersault” strips.  “A Classy Press” by  Tobias Tak is wonderful.  I’ve mentioned Tak before on CBO and I love his work.  “Minor Head Injuries” by Alex Potts I liked.  Jimi Gherkin, naturally, contributes a page –after all he has been called “The Terry Hooper of the 21st century small press” which is a burden on him!

Messrs. Brown and Northall contribute “The Man Who Wasn’t There”.

In fact, there is so much here that I keep thinking £1.00 is a miss-print!! It is a very interesting read and lots of lush art but I am really ****** off about one thing.  On some strips I cannot find who the creator(s) is/are.  PLEASE, if you are going to produce work like this PUT YOUR NAME TO IT!!!  In fact, I think this is where the editor has failed.  You get creators like this, print a great publication then you must insure that the reader knows whose work they are looking at.

I do understand that when you cram this much goodness in space can be short but take up some of the Ads page to run credits.

So, moan out of the way, how can YOU get a copy?  Well, send £1.00 to:

Mr. P. A. Brown
15 Wedmore Vale Road
Bristol BS3 5HQ

No need for an evelope even.  And for £1.00 this is a give-away.  I really do look forward to issue 2!

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