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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 24 December 2011

Current And 2012 Black Tower Comics & Books Releases

Hello and here is wishing all of you out there a Merry Christmas and great 2012 (unless the Mayas got it right in which case we’re all stuffed)!
There are currently three new releases from BT Comics and they are:
John Erasmus
95 pages
Price: £6.00
Ships in 3–5 business days
What can you possibly say about John Erasmus? He is a very under-rated artistic genius. And Dervish Ropey?
One of the great action/adventure characters to emerge from the UK in the last 25 years apart from Denizen Ark (which also happens to be an Erasmus creation). Join Dervish on his latest adventure and kick yourself if you never got a copy of The Maximin Sword!
 B.R. Dilworth, P.A. Brown, Darron Northall etc.
62 pages
Price: £5.00
Ships in 3–5 business days
Each year Black Tower likes to bring you a little bit of extra horror/ghostly goodness in Tales of Terror.
In the third volume there are contributions by Ben R. Dilworth -Krakos and Merriwether. While Paul Ashley Brown brings us the tales of The Worlds Best Mom and revisits his fear of trees!
Darron Northall and Danny Jenkins bring us the horrific tale of Bud and Lou Go To Hell while George McQueens The Bat deals out justice and Art Wetherell’s one pager is designed to make men wince!
And, preparing for a big 2012 event, Terry Hooper-Scharf finally includes issue 1 of The Paranormals to make this a true horror/ghost fest book!
Yes, Tales of Terror 3 is out now and you can order via the blog roll link.

D-Gruppe 4
Comic Album (A3)
Ships in 3–5 business days
This is it! The final showdown with Zeitgeist -but with heroes already dead can D-Gruppe and the other heroes stop the world destroyer??
Plus -Kopfmann’s first appearance before D-Gruppe and the origin of The Mummy -and a new feature The D-Gruppe Fact File. You want more???? You ain’t getting it!
Now, these are all at the usual “just published” discount.
For 2012 three new prose books are planned: Strange & Weird -A Naturalists Viewpoint as well as The Naturalist At Home  and one big project we are not telling anyone about yet!
Comic-wise, Black Tower Adventure will continue and, to celebrate the past couple decades or so we’ll be up-dating and republishing the origin tale of no less a personnage than Chronos: Watchman. Illustrated by Ben Dilworth and based on Terry Hooper’s 1983 origin strip. another one-off from BTCG.
There is more in the way of Dilworth work for 2012 including the Dark Night Detectives (so plenty of violence and harsh words from the Big Man).
Fingers crossed that the long-awaited Krakos versus The Bat one off will appear around May.  Ahh, but which Bat you ask??
There is more news but I’m worried you’ve eaten too much trifle and might get over excited and vomit.  So, relax…you’ll read about it all soon enough!
And I’m off for a two day stay with Donald Hamilton and an interview to follow…I hope!
Ebenezer Hooper

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