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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 1 December 2011

Vie de merde les enfants !/ S**t Life With Kids!

Vie De Merde Les Enfants 6
Hipo, Alteau, Valette, Passaglia & Guedj
Hardcover album (approx. A4)
full colour
price 9.95 Euros

When you get a foreign language book, especially one that is in the humour genre, you panic.  How can you review a book if you do not understand the jokes? 

Well, in the case of this book there is no such problem.

The one pagers are pretty vizual so even if you do not read French it’s all pretty obvious. Also, though Google Translate is not great, you can use it to translate text.  In fact, it helps you to learn more French because you then start recognising words more often.

The art is very appealing from the figures to colouring and, I’m guessing, this must be a popular series if it’s already at volume 6 (it says “6″ on the book I have though the flyer says “5″?). This book shows that  you can have fun with comics even if not in English!

And for our French friends:

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