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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Views, LDH, ASH and Fragments of Horror

Views 17:00 hrs Monday, 26th to 17:00 hrs, Tuesday, 27th

France     7287
United Kingdom  4084
Ukraine  1044
United States  824
Turkey  528
Italy   278
Canada  220
Russia  190
Brazil  130
Germany   104

And none of you wants to buy comics?!!

And yet I provide you with just the blog posts you need.  Cruel. That writ -THANKS to Subzero (Tales From The Kryptonian blog) I am up-to-date on the Caprain Berlin comic series and I hope to be taking a look at that in the next week or so.  He also provided me with copies of LDH: Liga Deutscher Helden (League of German Heroes) and ASH: Austrian Super Heroes. Lots of action but, unless my poor German is failing even more, it all seems a bit more humorous and satirical.  I'll need to read them again.

Yet, no matter how excited I was to see German and Austrian super heroes in colour, the comic Subzero sent that had me squealing with joy was a black and white horror -Fragments of Horror by Junji Ito.  This was far better than Dark Horse's Hungry Ghosts which was very unimpressive.

So look out for upcoming reviews...and buy some of my books.....?

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