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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 30 December 2018

Can it last?

Looking over my shoulder, someone asked how long the discount prices on the books was going to last?

Well, until some time in January, 2019.  The reasons are simple.

Firstly, if people are not going to buy when prices have been cut this drastically then they are never going to buy.

Secondly, the prices have been cut to the absolute minimum and where you do not see price reductions then those books are already at that point. The printer and POD company have to have their cut and when you consider that I then have to pay taxes on sales I am quite honestly giving the books away. See it as a promotion if you will but the price cuts cannot last and you will not find these books on Amazon or Ebay or any other book service -if you do then you will be paying up to 3 times the actual cover price.

With all of the books -prose, comic albums or graphic novels- I have strived for the best quality in content, production and printing as well as making them as economical as possible. That's about all I can do and there are enough genres and styles to please real comic fans.

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