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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 16 August 2020


Authors: Franquin
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: May 2020
ISBN: 9781849185356
£7.99 inc. VAT

The disasters Gomer keeps causing at the Spirou office (and in town, and out of town, and for the Army …) sometimes drive his neighbours and co-workers to regrettable excesses. They shout at him, lock him up, occasionally try to strangle him a bit … Yet he rarely even resents it. Watch out, though! Gomer is also a friend to all creatures big and small, and anyone going after one of his furry or feathered companions is in for a nasty surprise!

I will admit that, at the moment, with financial problems as well an eye sight problem, I am not in the frame of mind for humour.

However, with Gomer I find other things (I'll add quickly that the books are quite humorous -just my current frame of mind) to look at. Such as what seem to be pages of absolute chaos. Panels crammed with so much detail. But you stop and look at the pages and realise just how detailed they are. Franquin is an absolute master at what he does -few creators writing/drawing humour books put so much detail in, preferring to be "cartoony". Here the "crazy details" are part and parcel of the gags and having tried humour writing and drawing I appreciate that.

Also: it's fun. Fun for young and old and that is what I like about the books Cinebook are coming up with: there is no reason why young and old alike cannot read these.

We all need fun.It's 2020

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