PLEASE Consider Supporting CBO
Friday, 30 April 2021
Thursday, 29 April 2021
Okay....Blogger Wins and Fleetway Editors
It has just taken ten minutes to sort out a mess Blogger made of the editing tool. I am seeing this more often and more people stopping blogging. so perhaps Blogger is going to close its doors?
Also, I had two private messages trying to find out who at Fleetway had been behind project cancelling. One person got it right but I am not saying. There were two editors at the company known for "liking a drink"...well, liking a LOT of drinks. It seems that both were known to scribble notes to board members about other staffers and try to kill new projects -it eventually came back tpo bite one of them on the ass -twice.
I really could not care less because we are talking over 30 years ago and I'd much sooner corner the Egmont editor who did a runner owing me £5,000 (Egmont washed their hands of it and said it had been paid so "You will need to pursue him and take up the matter" which strongly sounds like he pocketed the cash (and I was not the only one robbed).
Now, back to sensible things like meditating in the greenhouseas I am sure I am creating a telepathic link with the tomato plants.
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Tales of Terror To Return
Luckily, Richard Anthony Pester had some art lying around that I was morethan happy to grab for the next edition of Tales of Terror (vol. 2).
Incredible piece of artwork and if I had said "no" then I wouldhave needed to be sectioned underthe Mental Health Act! Yon barbarian fellow even appears to have Black Tower's Robot Robbie's head in his hand. Of course I just need the stri[p to go with it 😁😁
TOT has been absent for quite a while so if I can get everything sorted by September it will be ready for Halloween month (as I believe they are calling it these days).
We'll see.
Monday, 26 April 2021
Sunday, 25 April 2021
Ah, THAT Is Why The Paranormals Comic WasStopped!
I got a message out of the blue from one of the old Fleetway managers who had seen my post mentioning the comic The Supernaturals and I was told some of my scripts were used but had been "adapted" by the editor....which is why I never got paid. 'Big surprise' there.
He also mentioned The Paranormals that I had created to take over from the cancelled The Supernaturals because of the Tonka Toys contract ending (or whatever). It seems that Gil Page, then Managing Editor, had convinced "the men in the board room" to publish just 12 issues and some of my mock up covers were used (I seriously cannot rememberthem but I was doing mock ups all the time back then.
Gil had told me that Scream was not the horror comic he wanted: "If you are going to do a horror comic make it a horror comic!" And that's what I did. Today I found out a lot including that a certain rather jealous (!?) editor had actually sent copies of the contents and some of the character sketches of Paranormals to "the board" along with a strong "put the boot in" whisper. The boardroom boys were apparently horrified -though they had no real idea about comics could NOT sell this type of thing to children!
End of project.
People within comics supposedly trying to create comics spending more time blocking comic creation. British comics business in a nut-shell.
A New Star Wars Channel for Fans
What's up MCE! Today we launch a new channel devoted to the love of Star Wars! If you are into Star Wars, please subscribe and tune in around 2pm EST today for our first episode! May the Force Be With You! Subscribe here:
If I told you Chris Evans was going to be Captain America again....
NEWS: Work on CAPTIAN AMERICA 4 is officially confirmed. A return of Chris Evans as Steve Roger is supposed to still be in the room, but according to rumors, it should take place separately and not in the fourth part.
Thursday, 22 April 2021
IGNORE These Videos...unless you are stupid
I was sent a link to a You Tube video (no, I am NOT giving the jerk publicity as he's a con man pure and simple) in which the person claims to have "spent thousands of dollars investing in comics!" I found four other similar ones by comic flippers claiming the same.
A flipper is the same as a scalper. In toy or figure collecting these people are hated. They will mass purchase toys at retail price and make them scarce in an area and then resell them at a vastly inflated price because they depend on the collector being so desperate that they will pay what is asked. So flipper and scalper are inter-changeable with con man and scum bag. But idiots will buy a $130 figure from a flipper for $900 ....
I've seen these people go into a local B&M (store) and hed for the toys and move things around looking for something specific then buy all those in stock. One bought 7 boxes of a Dr Who triple pack of figures...did he have 7 kids who ALL had to have the same figures to stop them arguing...or was he going to flip them?
Why was I sent the link? Well the scammer in the video claimed he had spent "THOUSANDS" on buying certain sets of modern books (from the last year or so) BECAUSE "I personally strongly believe that this investment of THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS will pay back big time" The over use of the stressed "THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS" is so that it sticks in someone's head.
Yes, the fella says he is going to flip the books and advises us all to go out and buy them and do the same thing. He is running a flipper business so he over emphasised over and over how he asks sellers to send him photos of even the tiniest defect in a book because, wouldn't you know it -the poor buy "got burned by a seller". THAT is con talk. He is telling you that he is just like you -hy, he even got conned but insists that sellers show him the books he is buying are perfect or as near as.
Hey....I don't know whyI am thinking this but...this guy is spending thousands of dollars on top quality comics and...well, I want top quality comics to invest in and flip and make money and I wonder whether he'll sell me any of his....yeah. kiss my big fat hairy log.
This flipper actually bought the three sets of comics he showed -that cost him THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS- from the guy that sent me the link. He bought a box full of comics (200 bagged and boarded) that were left over unsold stock because the sellers comic store was closed due to lockdown for...$100.
Don't get me wrong but even with inflation I do not think $100 is now looked on as it because the world has gotten weird lately.
Iyt's all a con to get you to buy and when you see one of these YT video flippers remember all the points highlighted here and remember: "One's born every minute!"
Wednesday, 21 April 2021
Saturday, 17 April 2021
Maybe I Should Never Check Stats and the "Internet Growth" Lie
Just looking at the stats and it seems the 2011 David Gordon interview has not moved from the second most viewed post on CBO ever with 38, 900 views, Despite this it appears there has been no rush to buy his work -what is wrong with you people? The Cosmic Oddity alone deserves an Eisner Award!!
So what is the top all time viewed post? With 92, 907 views and from the 12th December 2013...
The Green Skies
That was it just the title and image. Every Green Skies post has had high views but so far no one is buying a copy. Why?
您好!or "Hello!" to our Chinese readers has had over 80,000 views.
Adsense To...Fund A Blog???
There has been a suggestion that if I used Adsense then I might draw in advertising revenue to keep the blog going.
The person in question was either on mind altering drugs or had some false idea of what Adsense is.
I did have Adsense on this site and the problem, despite what it says, you have no choice in the type of advert they place. Also, you have to have blog visitors click on the ads to make anything. It took FOUR YEARS before I had accrued $200 and then someone advised me that one of the ads led to a sex site and with readers in parts of the world where thayt could cause them serious problems I checked the ad. The link led to gambling and various off-shoots and so I pointed out to Adsense that I had chosen NO gambling or porn ads. They got back to me within the day and told me that my clicking on the ad was "suspicious activity" and suspended my Adsense...and all $200.
I appealed that -in fact I covered the saga on CBO at the time. As I "had taken part in suspicious activity -ie clicking ads" (I clicked ONE ad) there was no appeal. It then became clear that I was not the only blogger screwed by Adsense. Three others came forward to state they had broken the "$100 mark" after years only to have their Adsense accounts terminated for "suspicious activity" and they had never clicked an ad. It then became apparent that this was common with Adsense and that few people make anything from it.
So adverts that I cannot control and where any money (please, people will not even comment here so actually click an advert???) is made it can be snatched back because they do not want to pay In fact, my account was today re-instated and I removed it from the blog.
Sales of books is the preferable way to earn money and keep going or PayPalMe donations -though I prefer people get something out of the deal...other than supporting CBO!
Adsense is NOT the friend of the blogger.
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Independent Comic Books Are Beginning To Sell More -Here Is Why You Are NOT Told This
If you go to You Tube, which is where a lot of people go for comic info as it involves no reading (I am not joking -ask thje professionals) you will see "Hot New Books" and "New Comics To Invest In" -how those people still get views almost puzzles me because everyone knows those claims are BS and I knew people who invested in every "hot" title of the 1980s and today they are mostly worth a couple £s more. No one got their college paid for, bought that Ferrari or became super rich. Its a Con.
But look for info on Indie comics and you will find it hard to come by and You Tube will show you videos from 8, 5 or even 11 years ago that have no 2021 relevance. You have to keep digging and then you find the "presentations" for Kickstarters. "How to publish an Independent comic" tends to literally be "here's my advice and on Patreon you learn more" or it is the basic "Get a story. Get the art" and you are then told to get the book printed.
Marvel, DC and to an extent Image are the main topics in all of the videos. Why? Because YT knows that mentioning these companies gets more views and that by and large they are safe while Indie comics can cover all sorts of topics and that might include the "M" (murder) word in the title or a book may be looking at trans, gay, racial or other issues that YT finds distasteful because they do not attract ad revenue and there are some strange right wing, religious types who find anything "deviant" such as a gay character, a radical black character or (something that gives them religious seizures) gay or trans. The Big $ speaks to You Tube loud and clear.
Anyone who seriously posts videos on Independent comics may often wonder why there are very few views or why notifications of a new video have npot gone out. As others have found out recently this ios all a 'technical problem that will sort itself out in 3 to 30 days"!!! The hope isthat the You Tuber will give up they do not generate revenue for YT so push them away.
In a way this deters a lot of bloggers from covering Indie comics regularly because they see the low view videos or hear all sorts of rot from people who do not really know about comics so steer clear (unless or until they feel the need to wave their "Indie Comics Credentials" and Image is NOT an Indie company).
There is another problem; the Indie publishers. In decades I have grown weary of hearing them (and zine/small press publishers) whne about no one will rteview their books or takle npotice of them. Offer them the chance to send books for review and they won't. If you BUY them they will but that is not how reviewing works.
You'll notice bigger companies including Titan, Cinebook etc use CBO. Up until around 2015 CBO had a strong mix of reviews -Indie, mainstream and Small Press. Small Press dropped out and most Indies also. I know they sold books because of reviews but the problem is that many of them saw a good review, talked about it and saw some sales and expected everyone to then know psychically when the next book was due out! I even had three small pressers at one time ask why I had not mentioned their new books? Well, it took a year (in one case 2 years) for the new book to appear but the fact that they never told me about it or sent a review copy can be added to that!
You cannot just sit back and do nothing waiting for that big break because if you do not push or promote that VERY rare "big break" is not going to know you are there!
Indie publisher then produce some videos -not just begging for Patreons or money for a kickstarter- about your book(s) and creators. Get review copies out there. Unless you do then all people know is out there are Marvel, DC and Image.
And I predicted this very situation over tewn years ago. Sadly I was not wrong. Small Pressers check out the Zine Zone blog
Blogger really is getting ridiculous
Google and Yahoo destroyed themselves as "social media" by stopping Google= (where I had over 4 million views) and Yahoo closed its groups. Both are now advertising and personal info gathering organisations that allow you to only publish what THEY want.
You Tube shot itself in the head long ago and is suffering -because it got caught out and fined for spying on kids who used You Tube (they still spy on adults). It wants money, money, money and you will ONLY publish what they want or get videos and channels taken down if you use words such as "Covid" or "pandemic" and if you are a channel looking at crime then you cannot use words like murder but substitute "no longer living" as in: "Davis was found with his hands together (ie "tied") at the bottom of the well he was no longer living and the police found a knife closeby".
US companies are really pissed that they are allowed to spy and get information from its US citizens but other parts of the world they cannot. European law is not infringing on our freedom with these services -how are they declaring thios without realising that is what THEY are doing? News items on Yahoo we cannot watch or read unless we sign in and give our info (**** that). Or we go to a story and "We cannot allow you to see the news story because EU law is stopping us" -NO. EU law is stopping you from stealing our info and using it.
Face Book has now blocked notifications from US members (see last post) and now I get thios pop up on the blog:
"FollowByEmail widget (FeedBurner) is going away
You are receiving this information because your blog uses the FollowByEmail widget (FeedBurner).
Recently, the FeedBurner team released a system update announcement , that the email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021.
After July 2021, your feed will still continue to work, but the automated emails to your subscribers will no longer be supported. If you’d like to continue sending emails, you can download your subscriber contacts."
So Blogger has started and we all know who owns Blogger (if you do not but you use Blogger...!!). Incidentally, regarding the url to CBO you will notice it changres a lot to show it based in various countries. Constantly moving around. Ask yourself why?
As things are going it seems that fanzines will soon need to return and have to if we want any freedom to talk freely.
Face Book, Black Tower Comics & Books and Why It Ain't Happening!
I was asked about the BTC&B Face Book page. This is what I posted there just now but if it is not taken down by FB at some point I'll be surprised.
The Scarlet Dilworth
They seek him here
They seek him there
Be he in Heaven or be he in (ahem)
Those comickers seek him every-where
That damned elusive Scarlet Dilworth
Hexagon Comics -Dick Demon: Vanishing Point
Jean-Marc Lofficier, J.M. Arden & Manuel Martin Peniche, cover by Manuel Martin Peniche; colors by Anthony Dugenest & Studio Cirque.
7x10 squarebound comic,
104 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-61227-874-2.Tuesday, 13 April 2021
The Invasion Earth Trilogy -all the info in one post because you asked for it! (You did ask, right??)
While reading The Green Skies I like to listen to Storm Clouds and The Earth Dies Screaming
Do you have 4 inches/10 cms of space on your shelf?
Return of the Gods: Twilight of the Super Heroes

Assaulted on all fronts can Earth’s defenders succeed or will they this truly the end?
The Cross Earths Caper

Black & White
107 Pages
List Price: £15.00
Price: £12.75
Prints in 3-5 business days
Following the events on Neo Olympus and the Boarman invasion
of Earth, many heroes and crime-fighters have withdrawn from activity. Some are
trying to recover from injuries while others are fighting the mental scars left
by the events.
But things have to go on.
As heroes from other parallels who helped during the recent events
return home, members of the Special Globe Guard are shocked at the sudden
appearance of Zom of the Zodiac. Never a sign of good things a-coming!
Very soon, a group of heroes mount a rescue mission and find
that a quick rescue mission can turn sour equally quickly. As they overcome one
challenge the the heroes become lost between parallel Earths and face new
Sometimes one Earth
just is not enough. The complete story published in issues 7-10 of Black Tower
Adventure now handy dandy book!
Green Skies Vol. 3 Part I out NOW!

Black & White
107 Pages
List Price: £15.00
Price: £12.75
Prints in 3-5 business days
Following the events on Neo Olympus and the Boarman invasion of Earth, many heroes and crime-fighters have withdrawn from activity. Some are trying to recover from injuries while others are fighting the mental scars left by the events.
But things have to go on. As heroes from other parallels who helped during the recent events return home, members of the Special Globe Guard are shocked at the sudden appearance of Zom of the Zodiac. Never a sign of good things a-coming!
Very soon, a group of heroes mount a rescue mission and find that a quick rescue mission can turn sour equally quickly. As they overcome one challenge the the heroes become lost between parallel Earths and face new threats.
Sometimes one Earth just is not enough. The complete story published in issues 7-10 of Black Tower Adventure now handy dandy book!
Green Skies Vol. 3 Part I out NOW!
It all began in 1987 and the Black Tower Universe has seen alien attacks, heroes kidnapped to be put into the middle of a war of the gods.
Despite the deaths and losses the heroes -crime fighters, super powered and members of the magical union have come back but now unaware that alien races are escaping through the Sol system and that a mysterious space fleet is heading towards the inner planets, they find themselves trapped or distracted.
The Many Eyed One is finally coming.
The Multiversal Council has quarantined Earth and forbidden any to help.
The evil has spread and there is treachery striking at the very core of Earth's defenders
The Green Skies Vol. 3 Part II Out NOW!
Following on from events in Green Skies V. 3 Part I the Clone Zone Boyz are increasing in number while those who created them, the Vampirons, continue to plot and await the arrival of their 'God' -The Many Eyed One.
The Druid finds that his physical and mental state are deteriorating and even the Rev. Merriwether cannot help him.
Shockingly, the Clone Zone Boyz claims someone close to Merriwether and this leads him to team up with two 'unsavoury' characters.
In space Krii and Tyn hrrn face a seemingly unstoppable enemy.
On The Moon the Selenites and representatives of other worlds meet and decide that Johnny Apollo, the Z-Man, is the only one who can lead the counter invasion fleet.
With the enemy striking Mars and then the Moon things look grim
The Green Skies Vol. 3 Part III -Out NOW!
The gathered Sol Defence fleet is prepared to make its final stand led by Johnny Apollo the Z Man. If it fails to halt the invaders then the doomsday weapon will be detonated and destroy the entire Sol System.
Meanwhile, unaware of the threat in space, Jack Flash, the Avenger and others prepare for a final show down with the Many Eyed One; a final confrontation they know they do not have the power to win.
Is this Humanity...the day?
Buy them now and make an old man happy, oh -and inspire future generations (but I'd like the money)
Hexagon Comics -Dragut & Scarlet Lips
Jean-Marc Lofficier, & Alfredo Macall; inking by Juan Vlasco; colors by Studio Cirque & Miren Pijuan; cover by Alfredo Macall.
7x10 squarebound comic,
68 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-61227-894-0.
US$19.95 - GBP £12.99
In the year of our Lord 1542, Captain Dragut returns from a perilous mission to the Sargasso Sea, when his ship is attacked by the bloodthirsty privateer known as Captain Hook. Taken prisoner to the island of the Croatoan, a tribe of shapeshifting beast-men, Dragut is saved by the intervention of a beautiful female vampire nicknamed Scarlet Lips...
In a second story, Dragut and Scarlet Lips team up to fight the dreadful inquisitors of the Holy Providence, who have been puirsuing the Captain and are responsible for the death of his mother...
The adventures of Captain Dragut ar inspired by the life of a real historical privateer born in 1485, who died at the siege of Valetta in 1565. Following in the footsteps of Conan the Freebooter and Captain Blood, writer Jean-Marc Lofficier and Mexican artist Alfredo Macall have combined forces to tell a seafaring saga of creatures and corsairs, magic and monsters, in the 16th century.
Monday, 12 April 2021
Hexagon Comics -Guardian of the Republic & Barbarella - Collector's Edition
Jean-Marc Lofficier & José Luis Ruiz Pérez; cover by José Luis Ruiz Pérez
Barbarella created by, (c) & tm Jean-Claude Forest.
ISBN-13: 978-1-61227-831-5.
In the future, a series of bloody murders take place on a holiday planet built around the
Oh....Was I Right?
Interesting to see that two of the peoplewho have been shouting about the massive upsurge in comic sales and how it could be a new comic book explosion.....
....have admitted that once they took the lockdown into consideration the "upsurge" in sales was just the comic regulars going out buying again.
How in the **** do you live through a lockdown that lasted over a year and closed comic events and comic shops and NOT have realised the effect of all of that?
Please excuse me one moment.
***** *** ****!!! *****! *******!!!!!!
Ahem. Now, where were we? Yes, people who appear to have had their IQs drop drastically. To make it simple:
Shop closed =Shop sells nothing
Shop open = Shop sells stuff
See how it works?
Of course, that does not affect crooked Ebay or other dealers who want to push their prices up for various reasons. Look, nothing has changed other than comic shops opening to a degree and some shows going ahead. I have seen the "NOW is the time to invest in comics!" conmen going to work online and on You Tube. Go back to any "Comics to invest in for quick profit" video for, say, December 2019. Have the "hot" comics increased dramatically in price in over a year? No. The only reason a comic starts selling out is stupidity and greed.
Look at toy hunters often a group of 2-5 that walk into stores such as Target, Walmart or toy stores cameras videoing everything. They seriously have tantrums because a specific figure cannot be found or "Some **** ***** flipper" bought all 20 to sell online. Theflippers buy multiple figures creating a shortage which idiots then interpret as making it super rare or a "grail" and they pay through the npose. Same with comics. I spoke to one comic shop owner about a certain comic that people were saying they could not find. He had a customer come in and buy all the copies before going to another store his friend owned and buying all the copies up there. Why? Because he had heard, apparently, that the book would treble in price quickly 😂😂😂 Fair enough he sold copies to customers of the two shops who couldn't find copies on the shelf...but hewas left with 20 copies which he still has and the book is selling for between £2 -£3.50 online post free,
All of this crap takes the fun out of comics and we need more fun.
Hexagon Comics - GALAOR, WARRIOR OF MÛ
7x10 squarebound comic,
68 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-61227-871-1
US$19.95 - GBP £12.99
- THE ORIGINS OF GALAOR: WARRIOR OF MÛ by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Oliver & Stephan Peru; colors by Anthony Dugenest & Studio Cirque
- LAGRID, PRINCESS OF MÛ by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Philip Xavier; colors by Oliver & Stephan Peru.
Galaor de Montbars, Musketeer of French King Louis XIII, is forced to flee France because of the schemes of the sinister Cardinal de Richelieu. Later, he is transported far into the past, to the legendary fifth planet Mû, the destruction of which produced the Asteroid Belt. On this world steeped in legends, rich in treasures, a cosmic crossroad where the gods of the past and the men of the future clash, Galaor fights the undead armies of Lord Kesh, the witches of the Isle of Doom, and other dark forces that threaten the Topaz Throne of Empress Nikkan...
Two sagas of sword & sorcery written by Jean-Marc Lofficier and illustrated by Alfredo Macall and Philip Xavier, plus a retelling of Galaor's origins by Stephan & Oliver Peru. Foreword by Jean-Marc Lofficier.