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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 5 June 2022

Face Book Stats Are Apparently Crap!

I always thought that the Black Tower Comics and Books Face Book pages was not getting many views. Every day I saw between 62 -103 views.

Apparently those stats are pure bunny currants.

I was mentioning these stats to someone and got the response "You aren't going by the Face Book Insights are you?" Before I even answered that I was feeling incredibly embarrassed. "Yes, why?" I asked.

Apparently the FB stats are not real ones. "If you pay FB for their services you'll find that suddenly your stats increase" I was told. "No one takes the stats seriously." I was told.

"Bunny currants!" I thought. How can they not be accurate so I did what every idiot should do from the start. I typed in "Are FB Insights accurate?" And.....

"Facebook Analytics Is NOT Accurate. So They Have To Improve. Else Kiss Bye Bye! As the social media platform grows and the industry changes over time, the details of Facebook analytics has come under heavy scrutiny."

That was from 2019 and apparently they have gotten worse.
I followed the guide I was sent and before deleting it (because I miss-read something) I found that my FB page was getting a LOT of views each day.

For that reason I will be updating the page in the week to come if my failing eye sight and hands allow!

Social media my arse

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