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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 28 June 2024

A Response (again)


I was asked by someone why I do not post as "manically" as I used to do. And I have answered this before but I'll explain one more time.  I have run CBO online since 1997 on various platforms that all closed and Blogger has lasted longest. 

 I have worked for hours each day posting articles, mega posts (many thousands of words and hundreds of images), videos that offer comic book, small press, action figures and an array of reviews that I think are interesting.  Some 11, 059 posts in total. 

The reaction to those posts have usually come from 2-3 friends but considering this blog has a world wide audience and there is an auto translator here (to the right) and views are in their millions there are no comments. Not a single word on posts.  

Despite millions of views and that world wide audience there has been no one willing to sponsor CBO so that it actually makes the amount of time I spend here worth it.  

And posts on my own books alone have 5 million views but sales, which would keep the cogs

I get people saying that I must be earning a great deal with a blog like this, that many views and the range of topics.  I have no idea how they think that would happen. Its pure fantasy. So, I review books as they come in and anything I think is cool as and when but I am no longer spending 5-6 or more hours a day on CBO.  

It is currently 0100 hrs BST and I just finished looking at the posts I would have published but I can read the stuff myself because...well, I know people read them but what do they think?

That's how it stands. No sponsors. No responses to posts. No book sales to keep things going and so probably the only non controversy or creator/fan insulting blog you'll find is just floating along.

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