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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 29 May 2011

Dene Vernon:The THING Below -OUT NOW!!

Terry Hooper (writer)  Gavin Ross (artist)
black and white
Comic Album (A4)

He was the first British comics investigator of the supernatural. Dene Vernon -Man Of Mystery! Dene Vernon gets his first adventure in 60 years. Set in the late 1940s, Vernon is recovering from a previous case when he is called upon to investigate mystery deaths in London dockland. Despite the assistance of one of the Silvermaigne family, famous werewolf, demon and vampire hunters, it looks as though the threat of Lorimed may be the Man of Mystery’s last….

There is, as always, a text piece in the book to fill you in on the character in case you’ve never heard of him before!

Gavin Ross previously drew Chung Ling Soo and The Jade Dragon and this is his first full book.  And what a job he’s made of it in super quick time!

One of the lost Golden Age British comic characters, this story is the first new Dene Vernon mystery in 60 years.  Like the blurb says -it might be his last.

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