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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 29 May 2011

Strip Magazine launches in November!

Despite the disappointment of a French industrial dispute that meant copies of STRIP Magazine Issue Zero didn’t arrive in the UK in time for the Bristol Comic Expo, they’re now here and we are aiming to get them out to British comic fans as soon as possible. Multiverse editor Mike Conroy has kindly offered to insert copies into subscription envelopes of his fine comics news magazine and we’re hoping to get copies to the 2D Festival in Northern Ireland next weekend, as well as other comics events over the summer.
You can also view this sampler issue, which comes wrapped in a cover by artist Smuzz, online at:
Included in the Magazine are details of our STRIP CHALLENGE, inviting comic creators to pitch their creations at us for possible publication. Full details of that Challenge are also online at:
We’re delighted to announce that advance copies of the hardcover edition of Mirabilis: Year of Wonders – Winter Book 1 are now on sale exclusively from First Age Comics, Lancaster.
A huge graphic novel project by Dave Morris and Leo Hartas, Mirabilis is a fantasy adventure story for young adults which opens New Year’s Day 1901, when a green comet appears in the sky. As it gets bigger, the line between reality and fantasy blurs. Soon there are mermaids in the Thames, elves in Parliament and a dragon roosting on Big Ben. But then the comet rounds the sun and starts to fade. Will the world be able to go back to a life without magic?
The full-colour graphic novel was originally serialized in The DFC, the weekly print comic published by Random House UK, who financed the production and has been released as a digital edition for iPad.
“We couldn’t be more pleased with the production design on these books,” says Dave Morris. “Typography, colours and layouts all add to the reading experience, and Print Media have carried all that through with professionalism and a real eye for detail.
“The end result is not simply our comic between hard covers, but a beautiful work that we think readers will treasure.”
Mirabilis: Year of Wonders Volume 1 was solicited by Diamond (Order Code FEB111949), joining Keith Page and Stephen Walsh’s Iron Moon title as the first graphic album projects from the new British company. Both albums will be re-solicited in July Previews.
• Advance copies are available now only from First Age Comics, The Assembly Rooms, Lancaster; order it online from the First Age eBay Store

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