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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 24 October 2011

Antares…Science Fiction In Comics At Its Best!

ANTARES –Episode 1
Authors: LEO
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
64 colour pages
Publication: October 2011
ISBN: 9781849180979
Price: £7.99 inc. VAT

Humanity migrates to a new planet, the secrets of which Kim Keller will have to unravel.

After the failure of the Betelgeuse colonisation mission, Kim is back on Earth, where she is an increasingly popular figure. Meanwhile, advance scouts on planet Antares have witnessed some distressingly strange events. Worried about the future of this new mission, the sponsors of the Antares project call upon Kim to accompany the first colonists, offering legal amnesty for Alexa and Mark in exchange. It’s the beginning of a new adventure for the young woman and her friends.

This is, as stated, the follow up to the incredible Betelgeuse.  That series was hard to put down and I know I got to be boring recommending it to anyone I met but it was that good.  So, when Antares turned up I was a little reluctant to open it up.  Any follow-up to Betelgeuse had to not be very good. Right?


The cover grabs your eye and promises a few surprises inside. Does it deliver? Yes. The art is incredible –from the initial look at Antares to Kim’s public recognition in the Paris zoo, all the stuff that goes with fame such as tv interviews –drawn wonderfully. The clothes, figures, backgrounds and settings –none can be faulted. And where Leo really grabs you is with his imaginative alien flora and fauna.

And the story is great. We’re introduced to a strange phenomena/mystery at the start of the book and the book leaves off with the same thing –affecting one of the explorers.

I doubt comic sci-fi could get much better. Compelling from start to finish (well, up to “to be continued” at least!).

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