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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 30 October 2011

Long John Silver III -The Emerald Maze. Yaahr!

Long John Silver – The Emerald Maze
Authors: Dorison & Lauffray
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: October 2011
ISBN: 9781849181051
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

The bloody mutiny was a success, and Long John is now in command of the Neptune. Following their native guide, the survivors find the mouth of the Amazon and sail on towards Guiana-Capac. But after the dangers of the open ocean, it’s the unknown terrors of the jungle they must now face ̶̶̶ with a damaged ship and a reduced crew. To what doom will the lush labyrinth of the Amazon lead Long John, Lady Vivian and Dr Livesey?

Now come on: is that a great cover or what? The ship sailing through the jungle into the kingdom of Emperor Viracocha is pure childhood fantasy for me (I’ve not developed much since I was ten years old).  Now, combine pirates and native treasure, add in that jungle, the betrayal and deceit and…POW!

I wrote before that this series was a high budget movie in comic form. I still stand by that.

Dorison and Lauffray have given us, in this series, something that you can’t say about every comic series (even European) –a classic.  If I’d had this book as a child my brain would have exploded with the possibilities.  This is a series that keeps me waiting very eagerly for the next part!

Absolutely wonderful….now, where’s my pirate outfit….

1 comment:

  1. Love the cover!!! Love the interiors and the coloring!!! Just wish I could pick up a copy here in the states. Who cares its in French. It does need words.
