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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Kult Creations: Savage! Jungle Princess no.2!

Kult Creations
John Short (W) & Gabrielle Noble (A)
US Size
Full colour
£3.75   US $5.50
Order via website -see blog roll

The second issue of Kult Creations crazy jungle adventure is out now! This time the girls of Death Island are up against ninjas, raptors tyrannosaurs and more!
Quite a pleasant surprise this turning up. Firstly, its the usual glossy great quality printing but there are other more pressing questions that need to be asked in this continuation of the story that started in the first issue.
Firstly: How the hell is Jungle Princess keeping those small pieces of rag on her “Daddy’s Favourites”?? As the Japanese had not yet invented the glue sticks that enable girls there to keep their high socks from falling down (NO, there is no double meaning there) it’s a mystery unless we assume there is a very skin friendly adhesive acquired from a rare jungle plant, uh, Death Island? That or “American ingenuity” ought to cover it.
Now, it may be me but I think there’s a bit of a “thing” warming up between the two main characters.  But, apart from the innuendo  and double entendres, just what is there to make anyone want to buy this?
(1)  Scantilly clad females in all sorts of provocative poses? No.
(2) Scantilly clad evil Nazi agent?  No.
(3) Dinosaurs?  No.
(4) a mystery island and fountain of youth? No.

hmm. There must be something I’m missing? Oh, yes -scantilly clad women fighting dinosaurs and Nazi agent AND female ninjas.  And fun.  That might be it. It’s just plain good fun and I’ll not tell you how they deal with the ninjas!
I can’t understand that Diamond will not deal with this title but I’m sure one of the other North American distributors might.
Seriously, it is nice to get a comic that is written as fun and not dark or brooding tripe. If you missed issue 1 you can order it and issue 2 together and make a £1.50 saving.
Win, win all around!

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