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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Tales of The Buddha Before He Got Enlightened

Renegade Arts & Entertainment
80 pages
full colour
US size
Printed book $14.99
ebook $4.99
(no UK price given)

Collecting all the stories created so far for the very first time, from the powerhouse team of Alan Grant, Jon Haward and Jamie Grant. Tales of The Buddha Before He Got Enlightened answers the question ’just what did this holiest of men do before gaining enlightenment?’
The stories take an extremely lighthearted approach to Buddha’s journey of discovery as he samples other religions whilst hanging out with other well know religious icons, as well as getting the chance to experience life’s more physical pleasures along the way.
The print edition is 80 pages (including covers) of comic strips and pinups from artists including Simon Bisley, Cam Kennedy, and Glen Fabry. The book also includes Jon Haward’s ‘How to draw Buddha in six easy steps’ guide. This digital book is presented in pdf format which should open just fine on all PCs, Macs and mobile devices with pdf reader software. Tales of The Buddha is free from any digital rights management so you can easily move it between computers and devices whenever you feel like it.
This book is intended for open minded ADULTS ONLY and is not recommended for anyone easily offended by strong language, sex, cartoon violence, drug related imagery and references, or anyone who takes their religious beliefs very seriously. This is a humour strip and pokes fun at everyone and everything along the way. If you think you may be offended do not buy this book.

This really is an excellent quality book. Not just in the printing and the gorgeous colour work reproduction but in the strips themselves (natch).
Jon Haward is one of the UKs most under rated artists (there are a few!) and his stint with Classical Comics and Panini -not to mention the new Eagle comic of the 1980s showed just how good he is.  The text humour can sometimes be outshone by the vizual humour.  ”Complaint Of The Fish God”, “In The Lapp Of The Gods” “The Last Days Of Sodom” are great examples.  There are also Buddha’s famous team-ups with Jesus and Hercules that I’m sure many have read about in the classics?
The guest art is also wondrous. “Ganjaman and the Buddha: Who Watches The Golden Bong of Karma” –also included is a VERY naughty one by Glen Fabry!
These are all just fantastic fun –but the actual strips, obviously, steal the show. If you don’t smile more with each page then…well, I guess you must be one o’ them Walking Dead I keep hearing about.
Available on Amazon I’m hoping a UK price appears because this SHOULD be a hit in the UK and the US. This would really make a good Christmas present because sitting on the sofa in front of the paraffin heater (if you’re rich -birthday cake candle if you work in comics) on the day and reader this will send you into orgasmic thrusts of humour.

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