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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Titan Books: World War Z: The Art of the Film


Matthew Michael Carnahan
Drew Goddard
Damon Lindelof
Dimensions: 275 x 215mm
Paperback: 160pp
Publication date: 18 June 2013
Illustration detail: Colour photos throughout
ISBN: 9781781168851
RRP £16.99

World War Z is the eagerly awaited film starring Brad Pitt. The story revolves around United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Pitt), who traverses the world in a race against time to stop a pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to annihilate humanity itself.

World War Z: The Art of the Film is the official illustrated companion to the movie, and features a wealth of stunning production art, design sketches and storyboards, alongside the full shooting script.

Now, I have to be honest here: this type of book leaves me cold. It does nothing for me.  However I do know that there are many –MANY- horror/film buffs out there who just love this type of book and will snap it up at first glance.  I know these type of people –this is like catnip to their kind.

There are LOTS of photos and images and I’m sure with the big budget movie this book is going to have no trouble selling in huge numbers. If only to annoy me.

Different strokes for different folks….and it is very nicely produced.

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