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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 14 January 2021

A Response -Pity Very Few Speak Up


Comment left on the WordPress version of CBO:

The truth of the matter is that distributors block you and shops do likewise if you are a self publisher. I know because I have …

Interesting take on Publishers, sad how retailers have been left out to dry by the bigger publishers. I remember when I would would into any stationary or bookstore and voila, there would be a good section of comics. Nowadays I find myself having to go to bigger chainlike stores as most the Mom and Pop operations had to fold as the market was not as stable in Europe. In Sweden there are a handful of stores that sell comics and prices are not so competitive. It has felt for a long time that comics were becoming truly a collector thing instead of a mode of digesting entertaining stories. Also, found it interesting how clicks and views on a site do not guarantee unit sales. I try to tell creatives I meet online that it is not just about have the product it is about knowing how you will do every phase prior to it reaching the readers hands. Thanks for your piece, it was interesting and insightful.

Which echoes a lot of what I have written. Pity very few speak up.

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