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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 24 January 2021

Contacting Mr Dilworth -why are you asking me?

 Today I had to put up with some little shitehawk criticising me on a 'private' forum (I know people on it) for blocking anyone wanting to contact Ben Dilworth. Thios accusation was levelled at me three times last year so I'll explain this for the morons.

No, it is "not" any of my business why you want to contact Ben but I could make him aware that you want to. I have to keep in touch with him by letter (the only contact info I have for him) and since I've had to self isolate cannot do that. I have no telephone number.  I have no Skype or any other information. Your options are to write saomething in the commwents sectrion and I can draw his attention to it or you write to him in Japan. Nobody wants to actually write these days!

I am not blocking anyone from trying to contact him.

So, get off my back.

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